Web Sub-Committee

Charlotte Olcay and Zachari Schockley, Co-Chairs

The Web Team is committed to facilitating effective communication between both current and past members of the HALT committee as well as the entire Hamilton Community. Through active maintenance of the website, as well as Facebook and LinkedIn, we strive to create a forum for all things relating to the Hamilton Alumni Leadership Training events.

Committee Members

Charlotte Olcay, Co-Chair
Major: Public Policy
Hometown: London, UK
Zachari Schockley, Co-Chair
Majors: Economics & Hispanic Studies
Hometown: Costa Mesa, CA

Elijah LaChance
Major: Neuroscience
Hometown: Williston, VT
Emily Davaney-Graham
Major: Government
Hometown: Denver, CO

Xiaolu Xu
Major: Math
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Chelsea Stone
Major: Chinese
Hometown: Dallas, GA

Siraad Dirshe
Major: Communications
Hometown: Boston