Led by Professor Paul Hagstrom and Samuel Carletta, the Hunger in Utica Roundtable began meeting during the Spring of 2014. The ideas generated by the open discussions evolved into an exciting program they call “The Harvest.” The goal of the program is to “harvest” Hamilton’s unused food, freeze it, and redistribute the food to low-income families in the Utica community.
After countless meetings with the Bon Appetit staff, Facilities Management, the Levitt Center, and the Johnson Park Center in Utica, the program has been implemented. The first drop was Friday, April 24, 2015 at the Johnson Park Center in Utica. The project relies on volunteers to package leftovers at the Hamilton dining halls each night of the week, and welcome all to help out with this project that will greatly impact many families and lower Hamilton's food waste. Contact Samuel Carletta at if you would like to get involved.
Office / Department Name
Levitt Center
Contact Name
Levitt Center