
Topic:  The City as a Global Phenomenon

Director: Daniel Chambliss, Professor of Sociology
Phone:  315-859-4291
Email:  dchambli@hamilton.edu

For thousands of years, cities have been melting pots of peoples, economies and cultures. The explosion of truly international capitalist economies in the 21st century has produced global cities – New York, London, Tokyo – in which the attentive student can find at close range the intricate connections between how the world at large works and how macro level forces play out in the lives of individual people on the street, at work and in their homes. This program will offer students both a wide-ranging vision of how cities have developed throughout history and across the world, as well as allowing closeup studies of urban life. Courses will be supplemented by a variety of group activities and field trips designed to explore the rich offerings of New York City.


This course will explore the phenomenon of cities, using both historical and comparative examples, including writings of Georg Simmel and Louis Wirth, Jane Jacobs, Herbert Gans, Harvey Molotch, and Douglas Massey, up to the recent pathbreaking work of Saskia Sassen. Topics will include immigration, poverty, residential segregation, urban economics and the sociology of urban life.


A tutorial resulting in a substantial paper (30 pages) that integrates experience and learning from the internship with an academic perspective and knowledge gained in the seminars or other tutorial readings.


Work experience during four days a week that includes a journal or written account of that experience.


This is a fieldwork course in ethnographic research, wherein students will spend time in various settings throughout New York City, learning how to systematically observe people in order to understand their lives. Students will choose many of the settings themselves, giving them a chance to get to know urban places and events they may be interested in. New York offers a vast range of interesting locales, giving students the chance both to learn about new places as well as practice these classic methods of social science research.

Student name class year internship
Carlie Abraham 2021 Manhattan District Attorney
Claire Curran 2020

Weinstein Carnegie

Lily Delle-Levine 2021 Signature Theatre
Gianna Dischiavo 2020 New Haven Academy
Emma Lynam 2021 Bank Street School for Children
Annie McClanahan 2020 Telsey & Co
Elle McCusker 2021 Olivela
Mayte Mendoza 2020 NYU Langone Health
Edward Otero 2020 Quill
Isha Parkhi 2021 NY Independent Film Festival
Grace Passannante 2020 NBC Universal
Hope Preston-Medina 2021 Children's Defense Fund
Sarah Salimi 2020 Quill
Connor Thompson 2020 Outright Action International
Joshua  Vega 2020 Atlantic Records & non-profit homeless shelter



Contact Name

Maddie Carrera

Director of Experiential Learning

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