Pavitra Sundar
Associate Professor of Literature, Director of Cinema and Media StudiesExpertisecultural politics of voice; postcolonial studies; sound studies; South Asian film and media studies; feminist theory, especially women-of-color and transnational feminisms -
Sarah Atkinson
Visiting Assistant Professor of Italian StudiesExpertiseIntersections of film, literature, and painting in Italian culture; Neorealism and Italian art cinema; women writers and filmmakers; Italian feminist thought; linguistic diversity; translation; adaptation; Mediterranean visual culture; transnational Italian studies -
Nadya Bair
Assistant Professor of Art HistoryExpertiseHistory of photography; photojournalism and news media; modern and contemporary visual culture; media studies; digital humanities; World War II and the Holocaust; Jewish Studies -
Katheryn Doran
Associate Professor of PhilosophyExpertiseAmerican philosophy; the problem of skepticism; contemporary Anglo-American philosophy; environmental ethics -
Laurie (Ella) Gant
Professor of ArtExpertisevideo, performance, installation, photography, electronic media, and history and contemporary practices in each of those areas -
Martine Guyot-Bender
Christian A. Johnson Excellence in Teaching Award Professor of French and Francophone StudiesExpertiseFrench 20th- and 21st-century literature and film; narrative representation of trauma (war, poverty); social documentary from the 1970s to today; literature and film of the Nazi occupation of France (Patrick Modiano); women writers (Amélie Nothomb, Assia Djebar, Simone de Beauvoir) -
Lydia Hamessley
John and Anne Fischer Professor in Fine Arts, Acting Chair of MusicExpertiseDolly Parton; American folk and traditional musics; banjo, music and film; medieval and renaissance music; music and gender -
Robert Knight
Chair, Professor of Art; Director of Digital ArtsExpertisephotography, history of photography, video capture and editing, Adobe premiere, art foundations curriculum, and 2D and 4D fundamentals -
Scott MacDonald
Professor of Cinema and Media StudiesExpertisefilm history; documentary, experimental and avant-garde film; cinema and place; institutional histories of organizations that have served independent film; 20th century American literature -
Celeste Day Moore
Associate Professor of HistoryExpertiseAfrican-American history; diasporic and transnational history; race and empire in 20th-century U.S. and France
Department Name
Cinema and Media Studies Program
Contact Name
Pavitra Sundar, Program Director
Office Location
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323
Clinton, NY 13323