News at Hamilton
Not only did Associate Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck and 20 students and recent graduates from his lab co-author the peer-reviewed cover article for the Nov. 22, 2024, issue of Organic Letters, but one of those students – Chrissy Crespo ’25 – designed the cover.
Experiential Learning: Education Outside the Classroom
At Hamilton College, learning transcends geographic boundaries and traditional methods, providing students with unique and memorable experiences that bring their material to life.
Installed last spring and calibrated over the summer, the new 20-inch Planewave telescope at Peters Observatory is three times as powerful as the previous 12-inch Meade telescope.
As part of a research project, Santiago “Santi” Chamorro ’25 wrote and illustrated Shaken, a children’s book that tells the story of a family in Nicaragua who must adapt to change after an earthquake strikes their region.
Since his arrival at Hamilton, Visiting Professor of History Ty Seidule has focused on promoting respectful dialogue on challenging contemporary issues.
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Students and faculty ended the fall semester strong as they published academic papers, presented research, and won prestigious awards.
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Islamic and Jewish Political Philosophy. Visual Culture and the Jewish Experience. Judaism and Social Justice. These are just a few of the courses students can select to fulfill Hamilton’s new minor in Jewish Studies.
Installed last spring and calibrated over the summer, the new 20-inch Planewave telescope at Peters Observatory is three times as powerful as the previous 12-inch Meade telescope.
National Media
Major national and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus.
“Integration of immigrants starts from the ground up. Just ask Lewiston.” (Meredith Brubaker ’26)
Portland Herald (Maine)
The Conversation, Religion News Service and Yahoo