  • Need a refresher on a Workday task? Do you need help with an expense report or updating direct deposit? We're still here and ready to help with your Workday questions! 

    Sign up for an appointment for 1:1 assistance

    When  8:30 a.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Virtual Hamilton
  • Preconcert presentation in honor of Black composers. Provided by Professors Gabe Condon and Charlotte Botha. 

    When  12:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  List Center 106, Map #11
    Open to Off Campus Guests
  • The Christian A. Johnson Teaching Table is available at the Hub during the Employee Lunch Service for faculty to discuss pedagogical questions and ideas. The first 6 people to sign up for the teaching table will have their lunch paid for by the Dean of Faculty. Participants should register for the Employee Lunch Service and denote "Teaching Table" in comments section. There will be a reserved table in the Hub.

    When  12:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Hamilton College Campus
  • This 2-part workshop focuses on storytelling in science and bringing yourself into the narrative.

    RSVP here

    Oakes will share insights from her process of writing two nature/environment books as well as contributing to other major media outlets. Content and activities will help students develop skills as creative communicators and brainstorm compelling ways of writing about scientific...

    When  12:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) Levitt Center Conference Room, Map #14
  • Open recreation ice skating at Sage Rink for members of the Hamilton Community. Rental skates and helmets are available at the fieldhouse Recreation Equipment Hub. Hill card required. 

    Skating activity only, no pucks or sticks. 


    When  12:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Sage Rink, Map #71
  • Join us for lunch and conversation in Spanish! All levels welcome.

    New location: Commons East Dining Area (ground floor under the balcony area, near the main quad).

    When  12:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Commons Dining Hall East Dining Area, Map #62
  • If you are a new advisor or need a refresher, join us for a lunch filled with advice about advising.

    RSVP Here

    When  12:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Bristol Center 204/208 Dwight Lounge, Map #56
  • Full Body Blast

    Start your week with a lunch-time blast in this effective and up-tempo full body workout. The class features a warm up followed by 30 minutes of interval training involving bodyweight exercises, dumbbells, kettlebells, and various other equipment. The class is structured to cater to anyone, no matter what your age, body type or level of experience is. Modifications or additional challenges are offered to those who need them. Instructor: Annika Zalewski

    When  12:10 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Blood Fitness Center Multipurpose Room, Map #68
  • Open Recreational Hockey activity for members of the Hamilton College Campus community. Sticks and pucks are allowed during this time, so helmets are required for all skaters. Skates and helmets are available at the Field House equipment desk. College ID required.

    When  2:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Sage Rink, Map #71
  • Need a refresher on a Workday task? Do you need help with an expense report or updating direct deposit? We're still here and ready to help with your Workday questions! 

    Sign up for an appointment for 1:1 assistance

    When  2:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Virtual Hamilton
  • If you would like to speak to Dean Munemo, please sign up for a 15 minute time slot during his office hours from 3-4 p.m. most Mondays this spring semester.

    When  3:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Buttrick Hall, Map #64
  • Circuit Strength is a full body workout designed to help you build and tone muscles while getting a good sweat in. The class features a warmup followed by 40 minutes of stations where you will perform various exercises involving dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, as well as bodyweight movements. The class is structured to cater to anyone, no matter what your age, body type or level of experience is. Modifications or additional challenges are offered to those who need them. 

    Instructor: Annika Zalewski

    When  4:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Blood Fitness Center Multipurpose Room, Map #68
  • Climbing Wall open hours. No experience necessary. All equipment and instruction provided. HillCard required. 

    When  4:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Blood Fitness Center Bruce Climbing Wall, Map #68
  • Please join Professor Eduardo Alejandro as he discusses the topic of Developing Tools for Levitated Precision Nano-Sensors.

    When  4:10 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Taylor Science Center G041 Classroom, Map #44
  • Candidate for a Visiting Assistant Professor position in Psychology will talk about:

    Dishonestly Fair: Examining the Role of Deceit in Pursuit of Justice

    When  4:10 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Taylor Science Center 3024 Classroom, Map #44
  • The Future of Forests and our Lives Connected to Them

    A book talk and conversation with scientist and author Lauren E. Oakes

    About Treekeepers: The Race for Forested Future:In recent years, planting a tree has become a catchall to represent “doing something good for the planet.” Many companies commit to planting a tree with every purchase. But who plants those trees and where? Will they flourish and offer the benefits that people expect?

    In Treekeepers, Lauren E. Oakes takes us on a poetic and practical journey from the Scottish Hig...

    When  4:10 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Taylor Science Center G027 Kennedy Auditorium, Map #44
    By Invitation Only
  • Contesting Shi?ism in Pakistan: Miracle-narratives in public khi?abat (oratory)

    How do Shi?a devotees from identical ethnic, socio-economic, and geographic backgrounds articulate two incommensurable understandings of what it means to be Shi?a? In this talk, I examine how debates over the place of miracle-narratives in public oratory (khi?abat) become a node of intra-tradition contestation among Urdu-speaking Shi?a in Karachi. Drawing upon twenty months of ethnographic and archival fieldwork, I argue that these intra-tradition debates are co...

    When  4:10 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 101, Map #14
  • Come to the Chapel where we will meditate as a group!

    When  4:15 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Chapel 307 Meditation Room, Map #53
  • Get help with your internship and CRE search.

    When  4:30 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 102, Map #14
  • Zumba

    Zumba is perfect for everybody and every body. Zumba is a calorie-burning dance fitness party that combines low intensity and high intensity moves for a totally body workout and dance experience. Join the class and LET IT MOVE YOU!

    Instructor: Suzanne Crawford

    When  5:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Blood Fitness Center Multipurpose Room, Map #68
  • Get help with your internship and CRE search.

    When  7:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 102, Map #14
  • Join the Department of Citywide Administrative Services' Office of Citywide Recruitment for a discussion about working for the City of New York! Learn more and register on Handshake.

    When  7:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Virtual Hamilton
  • CAB Comedy

    Join us for a night of laughs and good times with CAB!

    When  7:30 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Fillius Events Barn Lobby, Map #18
  • Intramural Basketball league play!

    When  8:00 p.m. Monday, February 24
    Where  Alumni Gym, Map #69
  • Join members of the Penguin Random House book publishing team for this virtual information session, led by an experienced HR recruiter, where participating students can gain valuable knowledge about careers in the publishing industry. Learn more and register on Handshake

    When  11:30 a.m. Tuesday, February 25
    Where  Virtual Hamilton


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