The goal of the History Department is to introduce students to the histories of a broad range of cultures, peoples, places, and times while honing their skills in writing, speaking, and research.
The Senior Program
The senior seminar paper or honors thesis is the culminating experience for history majors at Hamilton. It is a semester-long research project in which students draw on their accumulated skills and knowledge to produce focused, high-level scholarship on a specific topic or problem.
Recent projects in history include:
- Deir Yassin, 1948: Memory and Forgetting in the Construction of Nationalism.
- Daqing Spirit: A Great Celebration of Maoism
- Persecution and Perseverance: A Historical Analysis of The Book of Martyrs
- The Trial of Warren Hastings: Historical Contention over the Repercussions and Legacies of Hastings, Burke, and Empire
- Dancers, Dames, and Dissenters: How Women Navigated Race and Gender at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair
- A Lawyer's Duty: Elihu Root, Historical Memory, and the Construction of US Empire
- “Olympic Ideas for Selfish Ends”: The Projection of Soviet National Identity at the 1980 Moscow Games
- Observing the Masses: Snapshots on the Road to the British Welfare State
- Historiography of the Holocaust: Reevaluating the Intentionalist -- Structuralist Debate
- “Unfixed in Place and Time”: The 1919 Canadian Labor Revolts in Song and Memory
- Much More than a “Body of Sentimental Women”: The United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Construction of a Lost Cause Civil Religion at the Beauvoir Home
- The Crumbling Tower of Anthropology: Missing Epistemic Foundations in the Study of Race and Culture
- Nature and Nation: Creating American Wilderness.
- The Battle of Algiers and its Afterlives: Interrogating the Tactics and Transmission of Modern Power through the Yves Godard Papers
- Aljamiado: Resisting Spanish Catholic Oppression through Islamic Literature
- When Issues Arise: Grappling with the History of the Valley of the Fallen
- The Impact of Inclusion: Accessible Housing in the 20th Century Disability Rights Movement
Department Name
History Department
Contact Name
Shoshana Keller, Chair
Office Location
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323
Clinton, NY 13323