Joel Winkelman
Assistant Professor of Government

Joel Winkelman's current research project explores the relationship between the work ethic and democracy in the political thought of the Progressive Era United States. He teaches courses in political theory and a course on democracy and the workplace. Winkelman's writing has been published by The Review of Politics and Polity. He completed his doctorate in political science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Recent Courses Taught
Introduction to Political Theory
American Political Thought
Interpreting American Environment
Political Theory and the Environment
Capitalism, Democracy, and the Workplace
Selected Publications
“A Working Democracy: Jane Addams and the Meaning of Work.” Review of Politics, 75 (summer 2013), 357–382.
“Herbert Croly on Work and Democracy.” Polity, 44 (January 2012), 82–105.
Professional Affiliations
Association for Political Theory
American Political Science Association
Midwest Political Science Association
Appointed to the Faculty
2013Educational Background
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
M.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
B.A., Hendrix College