Marcelo Carosi
Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies

Marcelo Carosi completed his doctoral degree in Spanish at New York University in 2019, where he explored the intersection of domestic labor, race, gender, and sexuality. His research focuses on the visual and written representation of Black intimacy, care ethics, disability, and the politics of mourning. Carosi’s scholarly interests also encompass digital humanities, cinema studies, and critical race theory. He is the principal investigator of Bambalinas: A Digital Memory of Contemporary Street Theatre in the Hispanic World. His work has been published or is forthcoming in journals such as The Journal of Popular Culture, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, and The Drama Review. Carosi has received numerous awards, including Hamilton’s Notable Year Achievement Award and the Latin American Studies Association Early Career Award. He is committed to fostering an inclusive academic environment and advancing the understanding of social issues in the Hispanic cultural world through his research and teaching at Hamilton.
Recent Courses Taught
Culture, Disease and Struggle in the Hispanic World
Gender, Sexuality and Democracy
Race and Democracy in Andean Culture
Research Interests
Labor, critical race, gendered violence, migration, popular theatre, gender performativity, globalization, neoliberalism, human rights, trans studies
Notable Year Achievement Award, 2023
Latin American Studies Association Early Career Award, 2022
Sidney Wertimer Award, 2020
NYU Outstanding Teaching Award, 2018
Global Research Center Fellow, 2017-18
Penfield Fellow, 2017-18
Research Assistant to Silver Professor Mary Louise Pratt, 2016-17
NYU Post Dissertation Defense Award, 2015
NYU GSAS Predoctoral Fellow, 2014
Tinker Foundation Fellow, 2014
MacCracken Fellow, 2013-17
Research Assistant to Albert Schweitzer Professor Sylvia Molloy, 2010-11
Varsavsky Foundation Fellow, 2009
College Service
Editor, Encuentros
Coordinator, Mesa de Español
Coordinator, Spanish Club, 2018-19
Professional Affiliations
Latin American Studies Association
American Comparative Literature Association
North-Eastern Modern Language Association
Appointed to the Faculty
2018Educational Background
Ph.D., New York University
M.A., New York University
M.F.A., New York University
B.A., Universidad Nacional de Lujan