Areas of Study
Email Address
Taylor Science Center 2032

Mike McCormick's current research focuses on the microbial ecology of geochemical gradients in Antarctic sediments and meromictic lakes, electron transfer processes between bacteria and solid surfaces, and the transformation of environmental contaminants by biogenic minerals. He has published in the journals Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Journal of Physical Chemistry B and Water Resources Research. McCormick is a member of the Biology Department with a shared teaching commitment in the Geosciences Department. He came to Hamilton after he completed a doctorate and post-doctoral fellowship in environmental engineering at the University of Michigan.

Recent Courses Taught

Fundamentals and Frontiers
Rhetoric, Science and Environment
Industrial Ecology

Research Interests

Current research projects include: 1) isolation and identification of novel endogenous electron shuttles produced by iron respiring bacteria, 2) characterization of pore water chemistry and microbial assemblages in Antarctic sediments previously covered by the Larsen A Ice Shelf, and 3) analysis of geochemistry and microbial community composition at high spatial resolution in meromictic Green Lake, Fayetteville, NY.


  • U.S. Antarctic Service Medal, 2010
  • Department of Energy Grant – Argonne Subsurface Science Program SFA Five-Year Plan, 2010
  • National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs Grant – Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach – Marine Ecosystems, 2007
  • Class of 1963 Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007
  • CH2M-Hill Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors, 2003
  • Distinguished Achievement Award in Environmental Engineering, 2001 (U. of Michigan)
  • Walter J. Weber, Jr. Student Award for Excellence in Environmental Sciences and Engineering Research, 2001 (U. of Michigan)
  • ACS Graduate Student Award in Environmental Chemistry, 2001

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

  • Ingels, J., Aronson, R. B., Smith, C. R., Baco, A., Bik, H. M., Blake, J. A., Brandt, A., Cape, M., DeMaster, D., Dolan, E., Domack, E., Fire, S., Geisz, H., Gigliotti, M., Griffiths, H., Halanych, K. M., Havermans, C., Huettmann, F., Ishman, S., Kranz, S., Leventer, A., Mahon, A. R., McClintock, J., McCormick, M. L., Mitchell, B. G., Murray, A., Peck, L., Rogers, A., Shoplock, B., Smith, K. E., Steffel, B., Stukel, M. R., Sweetman, A., Taylor, M., Thurber, A. R., Truffer, M., Van de Putte, A., Vanreusel, A., and Zamora-Duran, M. A., 2021 Antarctic Ecosystem Responses following Ice-Shelf Collapse and Iceberg Calving: Science Review and Future Research, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
  • Reilly, B. T., M. L. McCormick, S. A. Brachfeld, B. A. Haley, 2020, Authigenic ferrimagnetic iron sulfide preservation due to non-steady state diagenesis: A perspective from Perseverance Drift, Northwestern Weddell Sea, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
  • Wellner, J.S., T. Scambos, E.W. Domack, M. Vernet, A. Leventer, G. Balco, S. Brachfeld, M.R. Cape, B. Huber, S. Ishman, M.L. McCormick, E. Mosley-Thompson, E.C. Pettit, C.R. Smith, M. Truffer, C. Van Dover, K.-C. Yoo, 2019, The Larsen Ice Shelf System, Antarctica (LARISSA): Polar Systems Bound Together, Changing Fast, GSA Today, 29(8)
  • Herndon, E. M., J. R. Havig, D. M. Singer, M. L. McCormick, L. R. Kump, 2018, Manganese and iron geochemistry in sediments underlying a redox-stratified lake, Geochemica Cosmochimica Acta 231:50-61
  • Havig, J., T. Hamilton, M.L. McCormick, B. McClure, T. Sowers, B. Wegter and L. Kump, 2017, Water column and sediment carbon isotope geochemistry of permanently redox- stratified Fayetteville Green Lake, New York, USA, Limnology and Oceanography 63:570-587

Book Chapters:

  • McCormick, M. L., 2012, "Geomicrobiology of a meromictic lake, Green Lake, Fayetteville, New York," in Rayne, T.W., ed., Field Trip Guidebook for the 84th Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association. pp. B4-1-16

Professional Affiliations

American Society for Microbiology
American Chemical Society

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

Ph.D., University of Michigan
M.S., University of Michigan
B.S., Ohio State University


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