Office of the Dean of Students

Meet Our Staff
Chris Card
Vice President and Dean of Students
Chris Card leads the staff of the Division of Student Life with a focus on student leadership and engagement, intellectual and personal growth, a safe living and learning environment, and community building activities.
Jeff Landry
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
Jeff Landry is responsible for the day-to-day operations and provides direction and leadership to the division of Student Life. In addition, Jeff provides oversight for the following departments: Campus Safety, Campus Investigator, Community Health Promotions, Counseling and Psychological Services, and Student Health Services. Jeff is also a member of the Hamilton Emergency Response Team (HERT).
Travis Hill
Dean of Campus Life
Travis Hill reports to the Vice President and Dean of Students and serves as a member of the Student Life Leadership team. Travis supervises the Directors in the Office of Community Living, Orientation and First Year Programs, Outdoor Leadership, and Student Activities. Travis oversees Greek life on campus, serves as a judicial hearing officer, and serves on a variety of committees including HERT, Trans Advocate Team, and Enrollment Management.
Sarah Solomon
Associate Dean of Students for Student Support Services
Sarah Solomon provides leadership and oversight for our Student Support Care Team (SSCT), a campus-wide student case management program, that addresses the needs of students who are experiencing significant difficulties related to mental health, physical health, and/or psycho-social adjustment. Sarah provides direct case management services including interventions, referrals, and follow-up services. She will work in close collaboration with faculty, faculty advisors, health care providers, Student Affairs colleagues and parents and manage relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
Adam Van Wynsberghe
Associate Dean of Students for Academics
Associate Professor of Chemistry Adam Van Wynsberghe coordinates the academic advising program and serves as a resource for faculty advisors. He chairs the Committee on Academic Standing (CAS), assists students to prepare petitions to the CAS, and administers its decisions. Adam works with faculty and other associate deans to help students resolve a variety of academic issues, and consults with the chair of the Honor Court on cases.
Emma Moteyunas
Student Support Case Manager
Emma is another member of our Student Support Care Team (SSCT) and provides direct support, including guidance, resources and referrals when Hamilton students are experiencing difficulties related to mental health, physical health, personal and family emergencies, financial issues, or other areas of concern. Emma is a trusted source of consultation for College community members to assist in student support planning when a student is struggling. Through collaboration with faculty, staff, family members, health care providers both on and off campus, as well as many other support resources, Emma is focused on utilizing a holistic approach and building relationships with Hamilton community members to ensure our students are aware of and have access to needed support and resources when difficult circumstances arise.
Karen Boots
Senior Staff Assistant, Division of Student Life
Karen Boots provides a broad range of secretarial and administrative support for the Associate Dean of Students for Student Support Services, the Student Support Case Manager, the Associate Dean of Students for Academics (including duties for the Committee on Academic Standing and the Honor Court), and serves as a liaison for the Global Learning Office.
Associate Dean of Students for Diversity and Inclusion
The Associate Dean of Students for Diversity and Inclusion reports to the Vice President and Dean of Students and serves as a member of the Student Life Leadership Team. The Associate Dean oversees two key functional areas: International Student Services and the Chaplaincy. Additionally, the Associate Dean serves as the chair of the Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT), advisor to the QuestBridge Scholars Network, and liaison to Hamilton's Posse Scholars Program.
Campus Investigator and Compliance Officer
Located within the Dean of Students Office, the Campus Investigator and Compliance Officer's primary responsibility is to investigate reports of harassment and sexual misconduct, along with violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Society, Group, Organization and Team Accountability Policy. They provide investigative reports to the Title IX Director, while ensuring the College meets the proper compliance requirements.
Office / Department Name
Dean of Students Office
Contact Name
Dean of Students Office