
Couper Press Order Form

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$30.00 Shakers of White Water, Ohio, 1823-1916
The Shakers of White Water, Ohio, 1823-1916, edited by James R. Innis, Jr., and Thomas Sakmyster, 311 pp., with 90 b/w illustrations, 22 music scores, 9 poems, and 9 maps, paperback binding, 26 cm., 2014. ISBN: 978-1-937370-12-1 ($30) This work is a comprehensive examination of the history and life of White Water Village by leading experts on the community. As an offshoot of Union Village, the “mother” of Ohio Shaker communities, White Water has received scant attention in the past. This work rectifies the situation and serves as an example of what should be done for all of the Shaker communities.
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