  • Alumnus Walter Cronkite IV will appear on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program, also on Thursday, July 11, to discuss Cronkite's War: His World War II Letters Home which he co-authored with Professor of History Maurice Isserman. The segment is scheduled to air at 7:40 a.m. Tracy Adler, Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art director, will talk with WAMC's The Roundtable host Joe Donahue about the museum and its current and future exhibitions. on Thursday, July 11, at 10:35 a.m.

  • Metropolis, Hyperallergic and BOMB magazine’s BOMBLOG have featured articles focused on Dannielle Tegeder’s solo exhibition, “Dannielle Tegeder: Painting in the Extended Field,” at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art within the last week.

  • Hamilton’s project to digitally archive video-taped readings, personal documents, letters and manuscripts of the celebrated Kashmiri-American poet Agha Shahid Ali (1949-2001) was featured in The Kashmir Reader.

  • Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History Maurice Isserman and his former student Walter Cronkite IV ’11 discussed their new book Cronkite's War: His World War II Letters Home during an interview with Bob Edwards, host of The Bob Edwards Show on SiriusXM Satellite Radio, broadcast on June 19 and again on June 22.

  • Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History Maurice Isserman, co-author of Cronkite's War: His World War II Letters Home, discussed the book on Think, KERA-FM’s flagship midday talk show on June 20.  KERA, North Texas’ public radio station, reaches the fourth-largest population area in the country and is heard by two million listeners weekly.

  • As part of the ongoing public discussion of paid and unpaid internships, a Wall Street Journal article, “Unpaid Internship? Some Colleges Pick Up the Tab,” reported on colleges that provide students with funding for unpaid internships. Hamilton was highlighted in the article as well as another in the accompanying online report, “The Importance of Being an Intern,” as offering funding to enable students to acquire career-related experiences.

  • Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History Maurice Isserman and his former student and CBS News Associate Producer Walter Cronkite IV ’11 presented their new book, Cronkite's War: His World War II Letters Home, to a full house at the National Press Club (NPC)  in Washington, D.C., on June 4. Proceeds from the event benefited the National Press Club Journalism Institute.

  • The National Geographic Daily News site published an article focused on research conducted by Geosciences Technician Dave Tewksbury on May 28. “Japan's Secret WWII Weapon: Balloon Bombs” described the Japanese plan to use balloon bombs propelled across the Pacific by jet stream currents to the United States. The story was an outgrowth of a poster Tewksbury presented at the annual Geological Society of America meeting in 2008.

  • Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History Maurice Isserman and his former student Walter Cronkite IV ’11 discussed their new book Cronkite's War: His World War II Letters Home during an hour-long interview on public radio station WOSU’s All Sides with Ann Fisher on May 28. WOSU is based in Columbus, Ohio. The segment was titled “The Way It Is: Life and Times of Walter Cronkite.”

  • Eleanor Fausold ’13 penned a letter to the editor that was published in The New York Times in response to an op-ed titled “Is It Time to Bag the Plastic?” Referencing her senior thesis research on the costs and benefits of charging a fee for both paper and plastic bags in New York City, Fausold answered the article’s title question with, “The answer is overwhelmingly yes!” The letter appeared on the publication’s website on the day she graduated from Hamilton, May 26, and in print on the following day.

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