  • Cheng Li, the William R. Kenan Professor of Government, was named to a three-year term as trustee of the Institute of Current World Affairs. The institute was founded in 1925, "to provide talented and promising individuals with an opportunity to develop a deep understanding of an issue, country or region outside the United States and to share that understanding with a wider public."  This is Li's second appointment as a trustee. He was a fellow of the institute from 1993-95 and served as secretary in 2003-2004.

  • As one of the Reunion Weekend events, John Adams, visiting professor of rhetoric and communication, gave the lecture "Rhetorical Designs: Stop the Rhetoric and Get to the Reality" in the Kirner-Johnson Red Pit. Adams displayed his expertise on the subject, explaining how the different assumptions people have about rhetoric shapes understanding about the subject matter and about language itself.

  • A group of alumni were treated to the first Reunion tour of the College Arboretum. This tour, led by arborist Terry Hawkridge, Assistant Director of the Physical Plant, took alumni on a walk of the campus to see some of the older and more interesting trees.

  • A Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article profiling Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack '72 reports: "For months, the Iowa governor has been among the most frequently mentioned names on the short list of candidates to be Sen. John Kerry's running mate on the Democratic ticket."

  • At Hamilton College's 192nd Commencement on Sunday, May 23, the valedictorian was James Baker of Weedsport, N.Y. He gave reflections on his years at Hamilton, as he put it, "Dean Paris-style."

  • At Hamilton's 192nd Commencement on Sunday, May 23 the Salutatorian and James Soper Merrill Prize winner was Mary Beatrice Dias. She told her classmates, "I encourage you to envision a world where social justice prevails."

  • Delaware Congressman Mike Castle, a 1961 graduate of Hamilton College, delivered the College's commencement address on Sunday, May 23. Hamilton's commencement ceremony took place in the Margaret Bundy Scott Field House.

  • Delaware Congressman and Hamilton College alumnus Mike Castle '61 told Hamilton graduates that their "education prepared them for a career but it also prepares you for life," in his address at Hamilton's 192nd Commencement on Sunday, May 23.  "You are the best positioned of your generation to be the masters of your destiny – to control your future and the future of this nation. Limits exist only in your mind," he said.Bachelor of arts degrees were awarded to 457 Hamilton graduates at the ceremony, held in the Margaret Bundy Scott Field House.

  • The 6th Annual AIDS Hike for Life was a wonderful success. It was a record-breaking year in both participation and funds raised. More than 500 people walked, ran or hiked through the Kirkland Glen and across campus raising over $36,000!

  • Peter Singer, the Ira. W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics in the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University and a well-known public ethicist, gave a lecture titled “Ethics for One World” to a large crowd in the Hamilton College Chapel on May 4. Singer outlined the ethical implications and imperatives of climate change, global trade, international law and foreign aid, as discussed in his book, One World: The Ethics of Globaliztion. The lecture was part of the Globalization Sophomore Seminar lecture series.

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