  • Buoyed by the excitement of returning to campus for the One Hill of a Party reunion celebration and a trustee challenge, alumni, parents, and friends of the College rallied to support the Hamilton Fund like never before. The 2021-22 fund year closed at $7.81 million, exceeding its goal by 8.5 percent — or more than $600,000.

  • Hamilton has added an interdisciplinary concentration in data science to its areas of study beginning this fall.

  • Hamilton salutes four distinguished members of the faculty who retired this year after a combined 152 years of service to the College. They are Cynthia Domack, professor of geosciences; Elaine Heekin, professor of dance and movement studies; Elizabeth Jensen, professor of economics; and David Thompson, professor of physical education and director of campus wellness.

  • During his first few years at Hamilton, Keith Wellin ’50 was enjoying college life perhaps a little too much. As a junior he approached Dean Winton Tolles and asked about the possibility of gaining admission to Harvard’s Graduate School of Business Administration. The dean’s reply? “Mr. Wellin, surely you jest.”

  • Time to grab a blanket, pop some popcorn, and curl up on the couch to enjoy a movie or TV show with a Hamilton connection!

  • Throughout his life James MacLennan ’58 ¬maintained a fondness for and a connection to his alma mater — the depths of which were not fully realized until after his death in February 2018. Motivated by a desire to ensure the benefits of a Hamilton education to future generations, he provided a gift in his estate plan that has prompted a $10 million challenge.

  • In a year defined by unexpected challenges, Hamiltonians made sure that their college had the resources to respond and overcome. Thanks to the generosity of alumni, parents, employees, students, and friends, more than $7.2 million was raised for the 2019-20 Hamilton Fund.

  • When Josie Collier ’97, P’14 learned that she would be taking over as president of Hamilton’s Alumni Association starting next month, she was hit with a mix of emotions from excitement to anxiety. After all, her work as a longtime volunteer fostering connections among previously disengaged alumni had largely been done quietly behind the scenes. Now everyone would be looking to her to develop partnerships on a larger level.

  • We asked this year’s public speaking competition winners to offer a glimpse into what it takes to create and deliver a great speech. Here’s what they had to say …

  • On Because Hamilton Day, Hamilton secured $3,092,733 from 3,658 alumni, parents, students, and friends.


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