  • Before her graduation from Hamilton, Katie Tenefrancia ’19 packed up and headed to Fort Benning, Ga., where she began the Armor Basic Officer Leader’s Course.

  • Students in Professor Matthew Grace’s Sociology 101 class explore a variety of campus topics and use technology to tell stories in an interactive way.

  • Christina Florakis ’19 has been named the recipient of this year’s Levitt Center Post-Graduate Social Innovation Fellowship. Next year, Florakis will travel to Chios, Greece, to work on improving communication between Greek citizens and refugees. She is majoring in cognitive science, an interdisciplinary concentration of her own design that mainly combines elements of sociology and psychology.

  • During the Three-Minute Thesis competition, each student only had three minutes to explain their topics and findings to a non-specialist audience.

  • During a panel discussion, students heard from three alumni working in the field of policy and political research. Panelists included Ann Dubin ’06, a freelance political researcher and consultant, Marc Pitarresi ’10, a freelance political and communications consultant and researcher, and Cristina Garafola ’11, a research associate at RAND Corp. specializing in Chinese foreign policy.

  • Hamilton community members were transported across party lines on April 11 as Jim Messina, former Deputy Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama, and Reince Priebus, former Chief of Staff to President Donald Trump, engaged in a dialogue surrounding some of the country’s most pressing issues. The event was moderated by Jackie Judd P’14, a veteran journalist and political communications consultant.

  • A panel sponsored by the Career Center’s Connect Team gave students the opportunity to learn first-hand about the career paths of three Hamilton alumni who had one thing in common — a passion for foreign languages and cultures.

  • Leading Change through Peer Conversations, a Title IX education and prevention program engineered by Title IX Education and Compliance Coordinator Cori Smith ’17 has been awarded the Gold NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education) Excellence Award for violence education and prevention, crisis management, and campus security. The program, which has been conducted since January 2018, has been engaging student groups through peer discussion and scenario-based role-playing.

  • Chinese language and culture students of all levels gathered on Dec. 6 for an end-of-semester dinner featuring traditional Chinese cuisine. The meal included hot pot, a traditional Chinese cuisine in which meat, dumplings, and vegetables are cooked in a simmering pot of stocks and broths. Students also collaborated with faculty to prepare jiaozi, or dumplings. Activities accompanied the dinner, including competitions testing chopstick skills and singing along to Chinese pop music.

  • Student volunteers collect and package food for delivery to charitable organizations in Utica, including the Rescue Mission of Utica and the Johnson Park Center.

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