  • Recent Hamilton graduate Amari Leigh ’21 presented her honors thesis, “Hashtagging Repression: Stigmatization, Social Media, and the Women’s Movement In Brazil,” at a virtual Harvard University conference.

  • Last semester I took Professor Jason Cieply’s Literature and Revolution course (Russian 227), which culminated in the publication of a class literary magazine. I had never been involved with a final project of this nature and hope it’s illuminating to share some insights from the production of In Medias Rus.

  • What can the cosmetics industry tell us about environmental equity? Sean Storr ’22 is looking to answer this question with his summer Levitt research project, “Environmental Equity and the Cosmetics Industry: An Intersectional Perspective.”

  • “We are responsible for 11,700 tons of carbon in the atmosphere every year,” said Brian Hansen, Hamilton’s director of environmental protection, safety, and sustainability. The reduction of this imposing number, which stands between the College and its goal of carbon neutrality, is being approached from a variety of angles, among them, switching energy systems from fossil fuels to greener sources.

  • The COVID-19 quarantine was often defined by feelings of boredom, loneliness, and anxiety. But for David Li ’24, the slog of pandemic “Blursdays” gave way to something far more positive: artistic inspiration. This summer, Li will be working on a dramatization of the quarantine experience through an Emerson project titled “Time(s) Out of Joint: Dramatizing Time Perceived in Social Isolation.”

  • Theatre and psychology double major Gus Gonzalez ’21 was recently accepted into the Atlantic Acting School, where he will enter a two-and-a-half-year program that focuses on acting and the theatre business. Here, Gonzalez discusses the application process and his time at Hamilton.

  • Emma Lynam ’21 will be joining the AmeriCorps City Year program in Philadelphia. City Year AmeriCorps members serve in schools, preparing students to succeed in school and in life.

  • Savannah Ryan ’21, a molecular biology and Hispanic studies double major, will join Mass General in Boston as a clinical researcher after graduation. She talks here about her new position and experiences that led her to this field.

  • Activist, leader, and musician Xiuhtezcatl Martinez—also known as “X”— shared his message about climate and social justice and other topics, in a conversation with the Hamilton community on April 22. Mckela Kanu ’22 and Tenzin Sherpa ’23 moderated the conversation, which was part of The C. Christine Johnson Voices of Color Lecture Series.

  • Economics major Ben Gardner ‘21 has been named a Robert Day Scholar at Claremont McKenna College, where he will pursue a master’s in finance. He talks here about the program and how he learned about it.

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