  • Twelve organizations in the Town of Kirkland have received a share of $70,000 from the Hamilton College Town-Gown Fund. The Town-Gown Fund has now invested more than $763,000 in the Clinton community since 2001.

  • The Hamilton College Town-Gown Fund made $58,600 in grants to 11 organizations serving the Town of Kirkland and the Village of Clinton, bringing the total disbursed from the endowment to more than $628,000.

  • The Hamilton College Town-Gown Fund made $65,000 in grants to eight organizations last week, bringing the total disbursed from the endowment to more than $570,000.

  • The Kirkland Town Library (KTL) and Hamilton’s Burke Library are joint recipients of  a $2,500 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) grant to fund a program  “America’s Music: A Film History of Our Popular Music from Blues to Bluegrass to Broadway.”

  • On Wednesday, May 30, Robert Meelan, supervisor of the Town of Kirkland,  will present President Joan Hinde Stewart with a proclamation from the town in honor of the college’s 200th anniversary of the May 1812 signing of the charter by Regents of the University of the State of New York. The presentation will be made at the town meeting.

  • Ten years after it was established in April 2001 with a $100,000 gift, the Hamilton College Town-Gown Fund has reached its $1 million goal. As of June 15, the fund has received gifts from 450 individuals and businesses totaling $1,005,351. These contributions are invested as part of the Hamilton College endowment, bringing the market value of the fund to $1,279,395.  

  • Eight local organizations have been selected to share $30,000 in grants from the Hamilton College Town-Gown Fund. The fund targets educational, cultural and public safety organizations in the Town of Kirkland. It has now distributed more than $266,000 since grants were first made in 2001.

  • Village of Clinton Mayor Gill Goering and Town of Kirkland Supervisor Bob Meelan issued a joint proclamation celebrating the women's lacrosse team's national championship. The proclamation was read at the Town Board meeting on Wednesday, May 21, and printed in the following week's Clinton Courier.

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