  • Courtney Power ’15, a communication major, is spending the summer in New York City with Evolution Media Talent (EMT), through the generosity of the Class of 1964 Internship Support Fund. She described EMT as, “a talent representation firm, managing and representing professionals in the news, sports and entertainment industries.”

  • Africa is home to some of the fastest developing economies and up-and-coming global leaders, as Ivy Phoebe Akumu ’15, an economics major, knows. This summer, Akumu is a corporate business intern with the Commercial Bank of Africa Ltd. (CBA), one of East Africa’s largest privately owned banks. Her internship is located in Upper Hill, Nairobi, Kenya, and is sponsored through the Summer Internship Support Fund.

  • Meandering through the placid halls of an art museum, many guests appreciate the aesthetics of the exhibition and its pieces. However, few may realize the amount of fundraising, work and time it takes to procure, produce and put on one of these exhibits. Isabel Dau ’15, a classical studies major, is spending the summer interning at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in Hartford, Conn., with support from the Richard & Patsy Couper Fund.

  • Every day, one billion viewers tune in for the variety of shows broadcasted by China Central Television (CCTV).  One subchannel, CCTV America is the English-language news channel run by Chinese state broadcaster, developing programming for English-speaking audiences worldwide. Liza Strauss ’15 is interning with CCTV America in Washington D.C. this summer.

  • Although processing clay may not sound like the most amusing way to spend the summer, Lesley Klose ’15, an art major with a focus on sculpture, is enjoying her time at the Red Dirt Studio in Mt. Rainier, Maryland, nonetheless. Her summer project is made possible through the support of the Kevin W. Kennedy ’70 Internship Fund for the Arts.

  • Varicose veins, twisted and swollen veins just below the surface of the skin, can cause pain, ulcers and even blood clots. Elisa MacColl ’16, a biology major, is spending the summer interning for Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) in Boston, studying varicose veins. Her internship is supported by the Jeffrey Science Fund.

  • For over two centuries, the United States and Denmark have enjoyed uninterrupted diplomatic relations. Since 1801, Denmark has been a strong ally of the U.S., making it our oldest Scandinavian ally and one of the oldest in Europe. This summer, Peter Jorgensen ’16, a world politics major, is interning with the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service (FCS) at the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen. His internship is supported by the Katharine Eckman ’09 Fund.

  • Whether it’s to Cabo, Paris or Tokyo, many people have the desire to visit foreign countries and explore new cultures. Yet increasing travel costs and a fast-paced lifestyle can keep these dream vacations remaining as exactly that. However, “traveling on a budget has never been easier,” revealed Tina Mangelova ’16, an intern at the Berkeley headquartered startup, Go Overseas.

  • This summer Brendan Cunningham ’15 is interning with the re-election campaign for Rep. Steve Israel of New York’s 3rd Congressional District on Long Island. Israel has served in the House of Representatives since 2001 and currently chairs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

  • Whether they perform or create, all artists aspire to make it big. This summer, Ian Rothenberg ’16, a communication major, is experiencing the behind-the-scenes interactions between musicians, producers and record labels while interning at Sacred Bones Records and Terrorbird Media. He is working in Brooklyn with support from the George & Martha Darcy Internship Support Fund.

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