  • With tight budgets and even tighter refrigeration space, some schools find serving fresh meals to be a challenge.  The current state of school meals is an issue of concern, but one company is providing nutritious alternative options. Heather Krieger ’14 is interning this summer for Red Rabbit, a company providing New York City schools with farm fresh, healthy and sustainable food options.

  • Isaac Handley-Miner ’14 is combining his interests in education and psychology through an internship this summer with the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. With funding from the Joseph F. Anderson ’44 Internship Fund, he is studying the applications of emotional intelligence and gaining valuable laboratory experience.

  • Emma Laperruque ’14 is working the “internship of her dreams,” at The Daily Meal, a website catering to food enthusiasts.  With the tagline “All Things Food and Drink,” The Daily Meal mirrors her many culinary passions.  This summer, Laperruque will develop her journalistic skills while writing and publishing stories and recipes online.

  • Eating fruits and vegetables can provide numerous health benefits, from improved vision to substantially reduced risk of cancer and strokes.  Some parents have trouble getting their children to eat leafy greens or vibrantly colored peppers, but Morgan Osborn ’14 is trying to change that by educating teenagers about how great produce can be.  As an intern with the Burlington School Food Project, Osborn is teaching children various aspects of farming and how to prepare meals with fresh ingredients.

  • After attending a music concert, fans may not think about how much effort and planning went into the performance they just witnessed.  Between picking a location, agreeing to a contract and managing equipment, hundreds of details are involved.  This summer, Eli Davidow ’15 is learning the intricacies of record labels, booking agencies and performance venues.

  • As one of the original 10 standing committees of the Senate, the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations is a permanent panel that develops and influences U.S. foreign policy.  For six weeks this summer, Ellen Esterhay ’14 interned with this panel, which supports, debates and challenges treaties and policies from both the president and secretary of state.  Working on Capitol Hill in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Esterhay saw first-hand how foreign policy is developed.

  • After studying abroad in Melbourne, Australia, Hillary Kolodner ’14 knew she wanted to spend more time outside the United States.  She chose to work for Taxawu Suñuy Xales, a community center in Yoff, Senegal.  Started by the Belgian non-governmental organization (NGO) Afractie, the center opened in 2002.

  • This summer Emma Zanazzi ’15, a women’s studies major, is getting involved in some of the issues most important to her. Through funding from the Kirkland Endowment, she is interning with the Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus, a non-profit organization that works to endorse female candidates in political campaigns and elections.

  • Some Americans misunderstand the role of lobbying and its contribution to the political process.  The practice benefits advocacy groups, large and small, that want to inform and to have their opinions heard by government representatives. Nick Solano ’14 is working for Williams & Jensen PLLC, a government affairs law firm in Washington, D.C, and learning about that firm’s lobbying efforts.

  • When Jessica Moulite ’14 was growing up, she didn’t watch cartoons. Instead, she was only allowed to watch the news. She credits this with giving her a lasting interest in journalism and broadcasting, one which she is exploring this summer through an internship with CBS. With funding from the George and Martha Darcy Internship Support Fund, managed by the Career Center,  she is working with the CBS Evening News and gaining experience toward a future career in broadcast media.


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