  • English major Madison Forsander ’14 originally planned to find a career-related experience in fiction editing, but this summer she instead chose to accept a textbook editing internship at the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) at Columbia University. While the opening was outside of her immediate scope of interest, she applied because she thought it would “be a good way to gain editorial experience and simultaneously expand [her] knowledge of media and communications.”

  • Julia Williams ’14 accepted an internship at The Irish International Immigrant Center (IIIC) in Boston, Mass. because she hoped to get hands-on experience in the legal field while determining if non-profit work fit her interests.

  • Although she is just a rising sophomore, Sarah Scalet ’15 is already nearing the completion of two simultaneous summer art internships. She works as both a costume designer for the non-profit Sitar Arts Center’s summer theater camp in Washington, D.C., and an intern at Red Dirt Studios in Mt. Rainer, Md.

  • Given that both of his parents are practicing attorneys, it’s no wonder that Knute Gailor ’13 has had an interest in law since his childhood. Gailor began his first hands-on exploration of law-related career fields this past year by interning at the Public Integrity Section (PIN) of the Department of Justice while participating in Hamilton’s Washington, D.C. Program. He decided to continue his internship into the summer because he believes that “ensuring that nobody is above the law is … admirable and important work.”

  • As a liberal arts college, Hamilton does not offer a major in journalism, but as Crystal Kim ’15 has discovered, there are a number of other opportunities on and off campus that can be taken advantage of by aspiring journalists. Kim was awarded a stipend from the Summer Internship Support Fund, managed by Hamilton’s Maurice Horowitch Career Center, to pursue an internship at the KoreAm Journal.

  • Biochemistry major Kailee Williams ’13 has been considereing a career in dentistry since she entered Hamilton. Although dental school is only a few years away, she decided to get some early career-related experience by interning at the dental offices of Dr. Cheryl Reygers in Homer, N.Y. Williams received a stipend from the Jeffery Fund in Science.

  • When Adam Fix ’13 applied for an internship at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History, he expected to be assigned to a general archive. But instead, he was assigned to work directly for the mathematics curator of the Department for Science and Medicine. Since Fix is a history and mathematics  major who aspires to work in research or academia, he couldn’t have been happier with this appointment.

  • Shakil Hossain ’14, a chemistry concentrator with minors in mathematics and Middle East and Islamic world studies, aspires one day to become a physician. He hopes to establish a successful medical practice in the United States so that he can spend his spare time helping underprivileged women and children in Bangladesh. His summer internship at the Hope Foundation for the Women and Children of Bangladesh is the perfect fit for his long-term career goals.

  • According to The Wall Street Journal’s June Marketwatch.com analysis, healthcare job openings will grow faster than any other industry in 46 out of the 50 states. Shoichi Sato ’13 plans to take advantage of this trend –while at the same time help others – by pursuing a career in the field of healthcare consulting. Sato is preparing for his future career goals by interning at the Harvard School of Public Health as a research assistant.

  • As a prospective creative writing, cinema and new media studies interdisciplinary concentrator, Sabrina Yurkofsky ’15 realizes that strong internship experience is necessary to break into the entertainment industry. Yurkofsky has already begun an internship with Red Varden Studios, a Culver City, Calif., television and film production company. The competitive intern program is described as an “entertainment boot camp” by Red Varden president and founder Zig Gauthier.

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