  • Catherine Gold ’14 took advantage of the Career Center’s HamiltonExplore career shadowing program in January by spending a day with Meg Harrison ’91, patient services manager at the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in New York City. Now, six months later Gold is a Levitt Public Service Intern there, thanks in large part to the connection she made through HamiltonExplore.

  • In the current job market, summer internships are becoming harder and harder to come by, but this did not stop Bonnie Wertheim ’14 from securing two internships this summer in the competitive field of entertainment media. Wertheim is spending the summer splitting her time between VICE Media, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and Universal Republic Records, in New York City.

  • You’ve spent countless hours scouring the Internet for the perfect internship. You’ve written dozens of cover letters, networked, and interviewed and now, finally, you’ve applied to your dream internship. The only problem is that it’s unpaid, and you can’t afford to work for three months without some income. Is this the end of the road? Hardly!

  • Like many cities, Boston encourages bicycling as an alternative mode of transportation that’s good for one’s health and for the environment.  To help encourage bike-riding cities must implement bike-friendly features such as bike lanes and racks. The Boston Cyclists Union helps make that city conducive to bicycling, and Molly Haughey ’12 was a summer intern there, writing articles for the organization’s newsletter and creating an informational video about the Union.

  • New York City is known as a bright, loud “city that never sleeps.” Yet despite the glamorous side of the city, poverty-stricken communities such as East Harlem face issues of food scarcity and poor nutrition. Emma Taylor ’13 is spending her summer interning for Nourishing USA, helping to alleviate nutritional problems in some of New York’s poorest communities.

  • Museums offer the public an immense wealth of shared cultural artifacts in the form of various art mediums, and their employees help ensure that they remain a valued resource for treasured works. Eleanor Gartner ’12 is spending the summer as an intern for the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City, conducting research on the life and work of former New Yorker magazine art critic Calvin Tomkins. Her research is supported by the Kevin Kennedy Class of '70 Internship Fund for the Arts through the Career Center.

  • A museum doesn’t have to large or showy to be an influential and cherished part of a community. In fact, smaller museums can still have a significant impact on their environment while housing invaluable works of art. Kelsey Brow ’12 is spending the summer as an intern for the Museum Education department at the Munson Williams Proctor Museum of Art in Utica, N.Y. Her internship is supported by the Couper Fund through Hamilton's Career Center.

  • As a student interested in publishing, Rebecca Pomerantz ’12 knows the value of an internship at a large and established publishing firm. These positions often provide students with valuable experience to fuel their careers and enhance their understanding of the publishing field. Pomerantz is spending this summer as an editorial intern for HarperCollins Publishers. She is supported by the Joseph F. Anderson ’44 Internship Fund through the Career Center.

  • For students interested in public relations, the opportunity to work with a large public relations firm translates into valuable career-related experience. Anne Loizeaux ’12 spent the summer in New York City as an intern with Planned Television Arts (PTA). She worked directly with authors as well as prominent media outlets to set up interviews for PTA clients. Her internship was supported by the Joseph Anderson Fund through the Career Center.

  • Literary agents can help authors get an editor’s attention, perfect a manuscript, or seal a deal on a book. Lauren Magaziner ’12 is spending the summer as an intern for The Writers House in New York City, gaining a hands-on, career-related experience at this famous and large literary agency. Her internship is supported by the Anderson Fund through the Career Center.

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