  • On Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 at 2 p.m., Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Monica Inzer will join Georgia Institute of Technology Director of Undergraduate Admission Rick Clark and former editor and current editor to The Chronicle of Higher Education Jeff Selingo in a webinar sponsored by the Chronicle titled Navigating the New Admissions Landscape. Those interested in the seminar may register here.

  • The Hechinger Report recently interviewed President Joan Stewart for a feature article focused on Hamilton’s initiatives to expand access and equalize student experience on campus.  The article appeared online on March 17 on The Hechinger Report website and the Washington Monthly magazine "College Guide" website.

  • Wednesday, February 26, was no ordinary day.  Hamilton celebrated — Starting Today Others Pay — the day when the cost of operating the College for the remainder of the academic year is paid not by tuition and fees, but by income from gifts provided by alumni, parents and friends.

  • Say Yes to Education Inc., a national non-profit organization that helps children in urban school districts to go to and pay for college, announced that Hamilton College and 10 other private colleges and universities have joined  the organization’s higher education compact, which offers free tuition to eligible students. The announcement was made  at a media event on Capitol Hill by George Weiss, founder of Say Yes to Education, and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

  • In the final chapter of its 200th anniversary observance, Hamilton concluded its on June 30, 2013, with gifts and pledges of $139.8 million.  Bicentennial Initiatives was centered on the College’s three most pressing priorities: student financial aid, growing unrestricted support through the Annual Fund.

  • Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Monica Inzer will make her third appearance on NBC’s Today Show on Thursday, April 11.  Financial aid, choosing a college, taking a gap year and wait lists are among possible topics that will be addressed by Inzer, Arizona State University Executive Director of Admission David Burge and University of Michigan Undergraduate Admissions Director Ted Spencer. The segment is tentatively scheduled for 8:35 a.m. {Update: The segment has been moved to 8:10 a.m.}

  • Hamilton College’s Bicentennial Initiatives campaign exceeded its $117 million goal 16 months ahead of its scheduled conclusion on June 30, 2013. The funds raised in the first two years of this brief three-year effort now surpass $119 million.

  • Hamilton’s STOP Day, celebrated recently on Feb. 23, was the subject of a Chronicle of Higher Education feature article, “Hey, Students, Your Education Costs More Than You Might Think,” published on March 18. Writer Beckie Supiano reported on the day’s purpose, “to raise students' awareness that they all benefit from donations to the college, to ask their help in thanking benefactors, and to prepare them to give back as alumni.”

  • Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Monica Inzer joined New York Times    education senior editor Jacques Steinberg, on The Today Show to discuss issues related to financial aid on Friday, January 20. Video of this segment can be found on the Times’ admission website, The Choice.

  • Property developer Stephen Steinberg ’66, a generous supporter of the College, is establishing a $1 million endowment to create the Steinberg-Lalli Scholarship Fund. Students with need who are accepted to Hamilton from the Acton-Boxborough Regional High School, the public secondary school in Steinberg’s community, will be given first consideration for support from this fund. Steinberg’s objective is to support Hamilton’s need-blind initiative and encourage students from the Acton and Boxborough area to apply to the college.

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