  • During my junior year of high school, I was offered the rare opportunity to study Japanese for a year with a local Boys & Girls Club and travel to Japan for two weeks. After admiring Japan’s historical and religious sites, embracing the kindness of its people, and falling in love with the vibes of the country, I decided to pursue the language in college. Four semesters of Japanese later, as a Hamilton student I was accepted to the Middlebury Language Program at International Christian University to study in Tokyo for my junior fall.

  • During the fall of my junior year, I studied with the Umbra Institute’s Food and Sustainability Program (FSSP) located in Perugia, Italy. Known for its gastronomic gems, extraordinary vista points, and rich history, Perugia, located in the region of Umbria, is home to many university students. It serves as a cross-cultural interface for locals, tourists, and students to interact in a place that has maintained a strong sense of tradition throughout time.

  • I studied abroad in Jordan in the fall of 2015, I studied in Spain the spring of 2016, and I returned to intern with ARDD-Legal Aid in Jordan the summer of 2016. Now that I look back on my time abroad I realize that I have grown a lot, and that my interests around immigration before going abroad did not change so much as they evolved.

  • During my semester abroad in Paris, I interned at TRINOV, a French waste management company that helped its clients become more sustainable and more cost-effective in their waste disposal practices. The company did this through software that organized the types of waste clients produced, determined what amount of the waste was recycled, and found better ways to dispose of each type of waste.

  • Back in the U.S. barely long enough to shake the jet lag, Allison Zuckerman ’18 already missed Munich, where she studied for 10 months, focusing on German history, culture and language.

  • Junior Matt Lebowitz just returned from his semester-long study of political ecology and wildlife conservation in Tanzania. His final blog post follows.

  • Students in the Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain program (HCAYS) began their spring semester with an orientation trip to Andalusía. They learned about history and shared cultural and culinary experiences during visits to Granada, Sevilla and other cities and towns.

  • Daniel O’Kelly’s article titled “4 study abroad hurdles” appeared on the USA Today College site on Aug. 6. O’Kelly ’14 is interning this summer with the Study Abroad Team at Go Overseas and plans to study abroad in Paris this fall. In his article, O’Kelly addressed the fears and concerns that sometimes stop students from considering studying in another country.

  • Joyful exuberance in Ghana.  Afternoon tea in Mongolia.  A Hindu celebration in India. Winners of the 5th Worldview Photo Contest captured the essence of the countries where they studied, in colorful images that reflect a snippet of their time abroad.

  • Several Hamilton students who participated in SIT Study Abroad programs have had their independent research projects published on the program website.

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