  • Hamilton will welcome back more than 1,100 alumni and their guests when it hosts the college’s annual Reunion Weekend, this year on Thursday-Sunday, June 4-7.  A special welcome goes to members of the class of 1965 who will be celebrating their 50th reunion, and the 50th anniversary of the signing of Kirkland College’s charter will be commemorated.

  • One of the chief benefits of a liberal arts education, and of Hamilton’s open curriculum in particular, is the opportunity that it affords students to experiment academically and to discover their passions. So it was with Sean Henry-Smith ’15, a student who until the second semester of his first year at Hamilton had never picked up a camera, and who now just graduated from Hamilton with a paid internship at the Light Work center in Syracuse, N.Y.

  • In The Wall Street Journal’s The Weekend Interview, alumnus Matt Zeller ’04 discussed the plight of Iraqi and Afghan interpreters who helped Americans during our nation’s engagement in those countries and who now find themselves in great danger in their own countries. The article detailed the non-profit organization Zeller created, No One Left Behind, to get these individuals and their families moved and settled safely in this country.

  • The winners of the Beverly S. and Eugene M. Tobin Employee Awards were announced and employees celebrating milestone service anniversaries were honored at Hamilton’s 31st annual employee service recognition luncheon on May 18 on Dunham Green.

  • “Grandma Makes Granola,” an article co-authored by Professor of Mathematics Richard Bedient and Assistant Professor of Mathematics Courtney Gibbons, appeared in the January issue of The College Mathematics Journal. Also in the issue, David Richeson ’93 contributed an article titled “Proof Without Words: The Maximum Sum of Inradii.”

  • Hamilton College will name its new residence hall for alumnus and charter trustee Robert S. Morris ’76, P’16, ’17 and his wife Mary Helen. The couple provided the leadership gift for the $6 million transformation of Minor Theater into an expanded 10-suite, apartment-style hall, located directly across Campus Road from the Chapel.

  • Ben Delia '05 was the overall winner of the 2015 HamTrek triathlon with a time of  52:42:19, Lauren King ’16 was the top female individual  at 01:01:31 and Team McWhirter won the co-ed relay clocking in at 1:04:59.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing Janelle Schwartz ’97 and Director of Outdoor Leadership Andrew Jillings were invited to attend Adirondack Day on April 27 at the New York State Legislative Office Building in Albany, N.Y.

  • Pioneering civil rights attorney Mary Bonauto ’83 appeared before the U.S. Supreme Court on April 28 to argue Obergefell v. Hodges, a case that could determine whether same-sex marriage is a constitutional right. Obergefell combines four challenges to same-sex marriage bans, from Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio and Michigan.

  • Hamilton College’s Class & Charter Day celebration, an annual convocation recognizing student and faculty excellence during the preceding academic year, will take place on Monday, May 11, at 4:15 p.m., in Wellin Hall, Schambach Center. This year’s speaker is Alumni Association president John Hadity ’83, a film financing expert and executive vice president for EP Financial Solutions. His talk is titled “The Underrated Element of Surprise.”


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