  • Marc Williams, son of Kirby Williams '61, has decided to run his second New York City Marathon in honor of Eric Oatman '61, who passed away at the end of last year after battling cancer, and to raise  money to donate to the American Caner Society.

  • Given that both of his parents are practicing attorneys, it’s no wonder that Knute Gailor ’13 has had an interest in law since his childhood. Gailor began his first hands-on exploration of law-related career fields this past year by interning at the Public Integrity Section (PIN) of the Department of Justice while participating in Hamilton’s Washington, D.C. Program. He decided to continue his internship into the summer because he believes that “ensuring that nobody is above the law is … admirable and important work.”

  • When Nick Richards ’12 entered Hamilton, he was sure he was going to medical school. “I was gung-ho pre-med,” the biology major remembers. Four years later, however, Richards has begun working at Huron Consulting Group in New York City with an eye toward a career in investment banking. Richards’ transformation came about thanks to a variety of extracurricular activities, and he now encourages incoming first-year students to “think about everything.”

  • According to The Wall Street Journal’s June Marketwatch.com analysis, healthcare job openings will grow faster than any other industry in 46 out of the 50 states. Shoichi Sato ’13 plans to take advantage of this trend –while at the same time help others – by pursuing a career in the field of healthcare consulting. Sato is preparing for his future career goals by interning at the Harvard School of Public Health as a research assistant.

  • A new version of Paul Reichert ‘90’s children’s book The Lemonade Ripple was recently published and released by Sky Pony Press. This is Reichert's first children's book, and he plans to donate all author proceeds from the sale of the book to charity.

  • Amy Soenksen ’13 spent the spring semester interning and studying in the Capitol as a participant in Hamilton’s Washington D.C. Program.  When the academic year came to an end, she wasn’t quite ready to head back home to the West Coast. After hearing positive feedback about U.S. Department of Justice internships from three fellow Hamilton students, Soenksen decided to apply in the hopes of getting a taste of legal work on the federal level.

  • SUNY Cortland announced that Erika Fowler-Decatur, class of 1991, is the new director of the Dowd Gallery, the university art gallery. Fowler-Decatur majored in art history while at Hamilton.

  • Shayna Schmidt '12 will appear in the NYC Fringe Festival in August. She will perform in Mind the Entertainment's presentation of Story Time with Mr. Buttermen: Fables for Adults Living in a Modern World.

  • Tyler Roberts ’12 was interviewed for a Wall Street Journal article “More Law Schools Haggle on Scholarships” (7/29/12). The piece describes how as the number of law school applicants has declined, some schools are negotiating scholarships and bargaining with prospective students while other schools don’t need to.

  • The History Press has recently published Cradle of the American Circus: Poems from Somers, New York by Jo Pitkin K'78. In her poetry collection, the Somers native commemorates the traveling menagerie that helped birth the American circus. Essays by local historians supplement the work.


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