  • On March 21, students in the Program in Washington traveled to Alexandria, Va., to meet with Alicia Davis Downs ’97 and Michael Dubke ’92 to discuss technology, media and the 2012 election.

  • A  group of 15 Hamilton students recently met in New York City with Hamilton alumni who practice law.  These students were members of the newly formed Pre-law Society, a club based around an interest in law and jurisprudence, and possible career options after college.  Hamilton alumnus Michael Blasie ’07, an attorney in the litigation department of the New York office of Cooley LLP, facilitated the visit.

  • Bicentennial Initiatives, a campaign to raise $117 million primarily for three Hamilton College priorities, has reached its goal 16 months ahead of schedule.

  • On March 14, students in the Program in Washington met with Paddy McGuire ’81, deputy director of the Federal Voting Assistance Program.  FVAP acts on behalf of the Secretary of Defense to help administer the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act of 1986.

  • Commencement speaker A.G. Lafley '69, Hamilton’s Board of Trustees chair and former Procter & Gamble chairman and  CEO, was interviewed by Adweek along with his six fellow Advertising Hall of Fame 2012 inductees in a March 18 article, "What Makes a Legend Tick?" The New York Times Sunday Book Review included a favorable review of a new book, Coral Glynn, by 2012 honorary degree recipient Peter Cameron '82, on the same day.

  • Hamilton’s STOP Day, celebrated recently on Feb. 23, was the subject of a Chronicle of Higher Education feature article, “Hey, Students, Your Education Costs More Than You Might Think,” published on March 18. Writer Beckie Supiano reported on the day’s purpose, “to raise students' awareness that they all benefit from donations to the college, to ask their help in thanking benefactors, and to prepare them to give back as alumni.”

  • On Wednesday, March 14, Hamilton students participating in the Program in Washington attended the official welcoming ceremony for David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, on the south lawn of the White House. Sara Feuerstein ’07, a member of the White House staff, arranged for the students to attend this important and traditional event.

  • Celine Geiger '04 has written her first full episode for NBC Universal's Syfy channel's series Being Human. The series is an adaptation of the British show of the same name and focuses on three roommates—a werewolf, a vampire, and a ghost—who attempt to lead normal human lives in Boston.

  • In "A Cheese Board That Names Names," the New York Times recently featured Sean Tice '06 and his company Brooklyn Slate in their Dining & Wine section.  Brooklyn Slate is a collaborative effort between Tice and Kristy Hadeka that began after the two visited her family's slate quarry in upstate New York in 2009.  They brought home a few pieces to use as all-purpose boards and gifted some to friends.  The slate was so popular that they decided to start their own business.

  • Several members of Hamilton College’s Entrepreneur Club attended the Venture Network’s networking event at Q Labs, an accelerator for start-up businesses based out of New York City on Feb. 28. The purpose of the Hamilton Venture Network is to provide support for both for-profit and not-for-profit entrepreneurs within the Hamilton Community.


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