  • The third annual Animal Rescue Law Forum, created by Kevan Cleary P’12 and continued with the support of Tami Aisenson K’75, P’12 will take place on Wednesday, March 16, in New York City. The forum brings together lawyers and animal rights activists from around the region to discuss current animal-related legal issues. This year, the organization lists its topics as “New York’s ‘Dangerous Dog’ law, animal cruelty prevention and rescuing migratory birds.”

  • The Hamilton College Choir is on the road for its annual spring break tour, this year opening in Rochester, N.Y., then heading to five cities in the Midwest. The 51-member choir is directed by G. Roberts Kolb, professor of music and director of choral music at Hamilton since 1981.

  • American entrepreneur Peter Thiel, co-founder of  worldwide online payments system PayPal, will deliver the Commencement address at Hamilton College on Sunday, May 22, at 10:30 a.m., in the Margaret Bundy Scott Field House.

  • Hamilton’s Spring 2016 Program in Washington group visited the White House’s Executive Office Building on March 2 for a meet and greet with alumni on President Obama’s staff, ahead of the group’s upcoming West Wing tours scheduled from March 7 to 11.

  • Hamilton’s Department of Dance and Movement Studies will present its annual Spring Dance Concert on Friday, March 4, and Saturday, March 5, at 7:30 p.m., in Wellin Hall. The performance will feature student dancers and choreography by Hamilton faculty Sandra Stanton-Cotter, Bruce Walczyk and Paris Wilcox ’95 in addition to guest choreographers Chuyun Oh, Jeremy Raia and Catherine Wright.

  • A photo from the Desert Eyes Project appears on the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of International Science and Engineering Website banner. The photo, part of a rotating series, shows Barbara Tewksbury, the Upson Chair for Public Discourse and professor of geosciences, and Claire Sayler ’12 doing fieldwork in Egypt.

  • As part of his work on the Pluralism Project with Georgetown and Harvard Universities, Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate presented via Skype during “Religion and Resettlement: The Role of Religion in Diaspora Communities in the US” on Feb. 25 at Georgetown.

  • Leaping up to, catapulting over and exploding through records, the Feb. 29 #LeapForHamilton challenge was a monumentally successful fundraising effort with the support of alumni, students, parents, friends and employees. The challenge, to reach 1,812 gifts, was met at 5:23 p.m., but enthusiasm and generosity continued to mount. By day’s end, 2,868 gifts totaled $900,313, representing 158 percent of the original 1,812 donor goal. This marks a single-day giving record by a factor of more than four and exceeds the total number of gifts in any single month in Hamilton’s history.

  • In celebration of Leap Day, the college is asking all alumni, friends, parents, staff and students to “take the leap” for Hamilton and support teaching and learning on College Hill. Trustee Aron Ain ’79, P’09,’11 has generously pledged a $100 match to every gift – regardless of size - contributed today as part of the #LeapForHamilton effort. The College hopes to generate 1,812 gifts, the number corresponding with the date of its founding. In its Quick Takes section, InsideHigherEd noted the challenge and presented the college's Leap Day video.

  • In God's House: The Religious Landscape of Utica, NY, a documentary film by Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight, was screened on Feb. 22 at Elizabethtown College in Elizabethtown, Pa. While visiting the college, Knight also led classroom discussions about his larger project examining the sustainability of religious communities in Central New York.


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