  • The annual Men's Hockey Date auction on Dec. 2, sponsored by Student Assembly’s Social Traditions committee, was a huge success, raising $708 for the Kelberman Center.  The Center, founded by cardiologist Dr. Michael Kelberman ’80, is a regional center for excellence for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  The organization provides services to more than 1000 children and adults throughout Central New York and employs more than 175 full and part-time staff.

  • Dozens of Psi Upsilon alumni returned to campus on Friday, Nov. 13, to spend that night and all day Saturday working with 30-40 current Hamilton undergraduate members to help prepare them in their pursuit of internships and full time jobs. Indicative of the five-year-old program’s success, 40 out of 44 undergraduate members had jobs or internships before commencement last year. Eight of this year's 11 seniors have already secured jobs after graduation.

  • Phyllis Breland ’80, director of Opportunity Programs and interim director of Diversity and Inclusion at Hamilton College, was featured in “Avoiding Burnout: How 10 CDOs Balance Work with Life” in Insight Into Diversity magazine. Breland is an Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity (HEOP) graduate of Hamilton.

  • Hamilton’s Program in Washington, D.C. recently met former six-term Delaware Congressman Mike Castle ’61 at his DC office of DLA Piper. DLA Piper is a global law firm with lawyers located in more than 30 countries. Castle also served as Delaware’s governor for two terms.

  • John L. Murad, Jr. ’80, P’19 has been selected for Upstate New York’s Super Lawyers in 2015 for the seventh time since 2007. This service names lawyers in the top 5% of the field who are chosen by a process of peer nominations and evaluations in addition to independent research.

  • Cyrus Boga ’90, an expert in social entrepreneurship, recently returned to the Hill as a Levitt Center Innovator-in-Residence to hold workshops and meet with students. Boga is the CEO and founder of Novamaya, an education startup serving college students, and the CEO of Campus Properties LLC, a venture offering student housing solutions. He also has experience in investment banking, corporate finance and running a successful social enterprise.

  • “I’m here to talk about the humanitarian imperative, which is the imperative to save lives. My team is constantly thinking, how can we help people? What can we be doing better?” began Michael Klosson ’71, vice president of policy and humanitarian response for Save the Children in his Nov. 12 lecture. The lecture, titled “The Humanitarian Imperative: Is the World Failing the Most Vulnerable? What's to be Done?” was an overview of Klosson’s work with Save the Children and of modern humanitarianism.

  • On November 9, The Elihu Root Society held it most recent event; the inaugural lecture for Washington D.C. This event was hosted by George Baker ’74 and featured Marc Elias ’90 as the lecture speaker. Elias is currently the chair of Perkins Coie’s Political Law practice and is serving as the general counsel for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

  • Author and former TIME journalist Barrett Seaman ’67 returned to Hamilton on Nov. 9 to discuss the role of journalism in modern society and the tendency of people today to cluster with other like-minded individuals. With the rise of accessible technology, this clustering has the consequence of making moderate and unbiased news a less valuable commodity. Seaman was the third guest in the SpecSpeak  journalism series.

  • The Hamilton Alumni in Real Estate group (HARE) has had successful installments in the metro New York City area, including their inaugural event in 2014 and the NESCAC Real Estate Association inaugural event. In addition to these events, members have come back to the Hill to mentor students on career opportunities in the real estate field.


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