  • Papers by Professor of Anthropology Tom Jones, Professor of Archaeology Charolotte Beck and Professor of Geosciences David Bailey were published in the April issue of American Antiquity. The quarterly journal is published by the Society for American Archaeology.

  • Hamilton College archaeologists were well-represented on the program of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology held April 18-22 in Memphis, Tenn. Several students, faculty members and alumni presented research with other Hamilton alumni in attendance.

  • Professor of Archaeology Charlotte Beck and Professor of Anthropology Tom Jones have published chapters in two new books from the University of Utah Press.

  • Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale, Associate Professor of Geoscience Dave Bailey, Professor of Anthropology Tom Jones,  Catherine Prescott ’12, Elizabeth Scholz ’13, recent graduate Nick Stagliano ’11 and Chelsea Lewis ’13 published their article titled “pXRF: A study of inter-instrument performance” in the Journal of Archaeological Science.

  • It is not often that an archaeology class has the opportunity to excavate a site of probable historic significance without leaving campus. Having examined a previously discovered inscribed stone at the class’ site, members of the Archaeology of Hamilton’s Founding course have unearthed two additional inscribed stones in their first month of digging. The most recent was uncovered on Sept. 29 and is related to the other two, according to Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale, who developed and teaches the course.

  • Members of the Archaeology of Hamilton’s Founding course led by Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale, uncovered a second engraved stone less than two weeks after beginning their excavation of a site off College Hill Rd. on Sept 1. “Built to commemorate the dawn of the 20th century and the fiftieth anniversary" is its inscription. Who created and sited this marker is a mystery.

  • Members of the Archaeology of Hamilton’s Founding course broke ground at a site just off College Hill Road on Thursday, Sept. 1. Selected because of its possible association with key figures in Hamilton’s past, the site will be excavated by the students during the next seven weeks. Local NBC affiliate WKTV taped the first day’s digging for a news broadcast.

  • Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale and his archaeology field school students in the Slocan Valley of British Columbia, Canada, were featured in an article in The Nelson Star (British Columbia) on July 28.

  • While archaeology may seem to deal exclusively with the past, this study of artifacts can have a significant impact on the present. Archaeology can help provide proof of historical events and influence political and social claims. Susannah Wales ’13 is spending the summer working with Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale in British Columbia, Canada.

  • Archaeological sites offer a firsthand glimpse into the past. Specifically, working intimately with ancient artifacts allows researchers to piece together historical periods that could otherwise be lost.  Emerson Grant recipient Caroline Morgan ’13 is spending the summer working on- and off-site in Crete with Professor John McEnroe, the John and Anne Fischer Professor in Fine Arts, to uncover a Minoan ruin’s chronological past. Their project is titled “Excavating Minoan Crete: Uncovering Gournia’s Architectural Past.”

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