  • The Hamilton College Continentals will host Nazareth College in the first round of the 2023 NCAA Division III Women's Hockey Championship at Russell Sage Rink on Wednesday, March 8 at 7 p.m.

  • Students at Hamilton have many opportunities to form connections in classes, through sports teams and extracurricular activities, and especially in the residence halls. As part of their living/learning experience, some students choose to join special interest communities, where certain residence hall floors are centered around themes.

  • Members of Hamilton’s Class of 2025 flooded Tolles Pavilion on Feb. 9 to celebrate officially declaring their concentrations. Sophomores took pictures in a photo booth, enjoyed a catered dinner, and received Class of 2025 hoodies designed by Eniman Imoke ’26 to commemorate the event. As part of the College’s open curriculum, students are encouraged to spend their first three semesters filling their schedules with a variety of classes before declaring a major or concentration. This freedom gives students the opportunity to discover new interests, delve into existing interests, or simply have fun with a diverse course load.

  • Bristol Swimming Pool recently underwent a $12.8 million renovation that included a total roof replacement as well as several major pool enhancements and equipment upgrades that make the facility more sustainable and accessible while providing a better experience for student-athletes, fans, and patrons.

  • Eliza Pendergast ’24 is one of the student interns behind Hamilton’s recently launched GIPHY channel. She shared what it’s been like to be part of the team that brought these animations to Instagram Stories everywhere.

  • From helping out with a family business to attending Arcadia University in London, what Jans choose to do with those few months before officially matriculating is entirely up to them.

  • Nine students spent part of their winter break teaming up with Maxwell Akuamoah-Boateng ’09 on a community service project in Philadelphia. Akuamoah-Boateng, who serves as the city’s director of operations for community schools, organized the Alternate Break (AXB) trip that focused on youth engagement/urban service.

  • On Jan. 14, 45 new members of the Class of 2026 officially joined the Hamily. Orientation leaders provided a warm welcome to the January admits as they checked in, moved into their residence hall homes, and got right to it with orientation group meetings, a welcome luncheon with President David Wippman, Dean of Faculty Ngoni Munemo, Vice President for Enrollment Management Monica Inzer, and Dean of Students Chris Card. They signed the College register at matriculation in Buttrick Hall and learned about Hamilton’s Honor Code.

  • Amidst the bustling crowds at Commons and McEwen dining halls, language faculty and students sit around a table to enjoy a meal while conversing in their chosen studied language. Hamilton’s “language tables,” as they are known, provide both valuable speaking experience and community building opportunities.

  • College videographer Zack Stanek takes a look back at 2022 at Hamilton.

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