  • Stefanie Russell '12, Jordan Fischetti '08 and Stephanie Wolter '07 attended the Bonner Summer Leadership Institute with Levitt Center Associate Director for Community Research Judith Owens-Manley in Deland, Fla., in June. The group presented two workshops at the conference: “Refugee & Immigrant Issues: Deepening Levels of Engagement” and “The Beginnings of a Youth Development Project: Challenges & Rewards.”

  • An article by Michael Gregg ’08 and Associate Professor of Physics Seth Major titled “On Modified Dispersion Relations and the Chandrasekhar Mass Limit,” has been published in the International Journal of Modern Physics D [Vol 18 (2009) 971]. In the article, based on Gregg’s senior project, they report on the results of their study of the consequences of modifying special relativity.

  • Judy Owens-Manley, director of the Bonner Leaders Program and Levitt Center associate director of community research; Jordan Fischetti '08 and Stephanie Wolter '07, both Hamilton graduates and AmeriCorps VISTA Service-Learning Coordinators at Hamilton; and Stefanie Russell '12, a Bonner Leader and Bonner Congress Representative presented two workshops at the Bonner Summer Leadership Institute on June 3-6.

  • Hamilton College graduate Ryan Mulligan '08 has recently made history when he became the first American Rugby League player to export his talents down-under.  Mulligan, standing just less than 6ft. and weighing 220 lb., recently signed with the South Newcastle Knights in New South Wales as the first in what could become a regular player exchange.

  • Recent Hamilton graduate Mike Zesk '08 has spent the last several months in northern Mongolia as a teacher, director, explorer and game show host.  A religious studies major at Hamilton, Zesk was also a long-time member of the Men's Rugby team and a former captain.

  • Graham Cummiskey '08 was featured in an article in The New Straits Times (Persekutuan, Malaysia) about her position teaching English to students in Terengganu, Kuala Lumpur. Cummiskey was quoted as saying, "I think that when there's face to face communication, people from different backgrounds understand each other better. We want the people here to know that we are not who they see on television," she added.

  • Thanks to the generous support of its young alumni, Hamilton College is pleased to name Pragyan Pradhan '08, of Kathmandu, Nepal, as its 11th GOLD Scholar.  Being one of the top students in his high school, Pragyan received acceptances from some of the best schools in Nepal, but he wanted a superior international education. After reading about the College on the Hill in U.S. News and World Report, he spoke with two students from his high school who were attending Hamilton, and was intrigued by what they described. The opportunities for student-faculty research, exceptionally small class sizes and a closely-knit community created the perfect match for him.

  • Although classes have ended for the 2007-08 academic year, 118 Hamilton students won't be going home right away. They'll spend at least part of their summer on campus conducting research with Hamilton faculty. Eighty-two students will conduct science research, 18 students will work with faculty on Emerson grant projects and another 18 will study public policy for the Levitt Center.

  • Village of Clinton Mayor Gill Goering and Town of Kirkland Supervisor Bob Meelan issued a joint proclamation celebrating the women's lacrosse team's national championship. The proclamation was read at the Town Board meeting on Wednesday, May 21, and printed in the following week's Clinton Courier.

  • The winners of the Beverly S. and Eugene M. Tobin Employee Awards were announced at Hamilton's annual employee service recognition luncheon on May 19 at Soper Commons. Carpenter Foreperson Al Webster, Dean of Students Office Assistant Regina Johnson and Art Director Cathy Brown were honored as Tobin winners.  President Joan Hinde Stewart presented the awards following the recognition of employees who had achieved 10, 20 and 30 years of service to the College.   

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