  • John Werner '92 is an active member of the team of individuals striving to make a difference with the nonprofit organization known as TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design). TED is devoted to spreading innovative ideas in hopes of changing the attitudes and lives of citizens around the world.

  • A group of nine Hamilton students traveled to Burgaw Elementary School near Wilmington, N.C., on their Alternative Spring Break trip, March 21-27. Through this outreach program, they’re helping students with homework and participating in after-school activities. Students on the trip are Trang Nyugen '13, Jennifer Hightower '12, Kristen Scherb '13, Spencer Gulbronson '12, Clare Browne '12, Joelle  Adler '13, Meghan Woolley '13, Ada Horne '13, and Meghan Carter '12. They were featured on Burgaw's school Web site.

  • On February 11, Hamilton alumnus George Mack ’92, a managing director at Barclay’s Capital graciously made himself available for students in the New York City Program. The class was curious as to the origins of the great recession.

  • For the 5th year, students from Boston’s Citizen Schools visited Hamilton as members of 8th Grade Academy. Citizen Schools is a growing national network of after-school education programs for middle school students. Its programs complement classroom learning by engaging students in hands-on learning projects led by adult volunteers after school and supported by a staff of professional educators. Hamilton alumnus John Werner '92 is one of the founding leaders of Citizen Schools, and is currently managing director and chief mobilizing officer.

  • Karin Lodinsky Nelson '92 is the co-author, with Anne Logan, of a recently published book The Ladies of Hyde Hall: History, Hospitality, Letters, and Recipes 1819-1963.  Karin graduated from Hamilton in 1992 with a major in sociology. She played softball and was a member of Kapa Delta Omega. Karin and her husband Michael, class of 1991, live in Cherry Valley, New York, with their two sons.

  • Professor of English Vincent Odamtten presented a paper on "Selected Ghanaian Writing from a Pan-African Perspective" at the 5th Biennial Conference of Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora (ASWAD) in Accra, Ghana, in August.

  • On May 27, Sarah Wayland-Smith '92 and collaborator Julie Farris unveiled A Clearing in the Streets, an outdoor installation in Lower Manhattan that highlights the contrast between the grayscale iron and concrete of New York City and the rich green of natural ecology. Clearing is a decahedral plywood chamber that protects a small meadow. Each plywood plank is set eight inches apart from its neighbor in order to permit limited visual access to the landscape within. During the next four months, the insular meadow will germinate and blossom, inviting repeat viewings. The project is sponsored by the Public Art Fund.

  • Hamilton College Trustee Thomas J. Tull '92 will address the Hamilton College Wall Street Association on Wednesday, May 27 at the New York Athletic Club.  Tull is the founder, chairman and CEO of Legendary Pictures, which has co-produced recent blockbusters such as Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, 300 and Watchmen. In addition to sharing his experiences in the cinematic business, Tull will discuss the role of private equity and hedge fund investors in the film business.

  • Hamilton College graduate Richard Skinner '92 has recently published an extensive article on political partisanship in the latest issue of Political Science Quarterly and is also basing a forthcoming book on the subject.  Skinner, a government major at Hamilton, was also involved in WHCL and the Spectator.


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