  • Jeswald W. Salacuse ’60 has been appointed Distinguished Professor of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. He was chosen for this academic honor due to his outstanding contributions to the school, his students and his discipline as both a teacher and a scholar.

  • Attendees of the 15th annual Group Decision and Negotiation Conference in Warsaw, Poland had the pleasure of hearing a keynote address from Jeswald W. Salacuse ’60. Salacuse, Henry J. Braker Professor of Law at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, part of Tufts University, titled his address “The Hidden Persuader – The Role of the Advisor in Negotiations and Group Decision Making.”

  • Students in the NYC program were given a tour of the Highline, a park/walkway built from the remains of an elevated New York Central Railroad line on April 15. The group’s guide was Hamilton alumnus John Allen ’60 who lives in the Chelsea area with his wife. He had many stories to tell about the neighborhoods surrounding the Highline and the donors who helped make this urban green space possible.

  • Robert Zoellick, President of the World Bank and ex-officio chairman of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), has appointed Jeswald W. Salacuse '60, P'89 to the ICSID Panel of Conciliators. The appointment is effective for a six year term, beginning Sept. 15. Salacuse is one of ten persons, none of whom may be nationals of the same country, that Zoellick is permitted to appoint under the ICSID Convention.

  • Jeffrey Immelt, chairman and CEO of General Electric Company (GE), told Hamilton’s Class of 2010 to be optimistic at its commencement ceremony on May 23. Acknowledging that we are in economically difficult times, Immelt emphasized the need for creative and independent thinkers and the importance of maintaining a spirit of reality-based optimism.

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