  • A written assignment can be deceiving. Even if the finished product is immaculate, the student might have put in many hours of work in order to get it to that point. On the other hand, holes in a student’s argument indicate that he either rushed through that portion of his analysis or toiled over its synthesis for longer than necessary. Matt Russell ’11 sees this as a problem for educators who are trying to help their students understand classroom material. If they cannot see what areas on which their students are spending an inordinate amount of time, they cannot help them improve. This summer, Russell worked with Associate Professor of Computer Science Mark Bailey to design a computer program that will visually represent the time spent on certain aspects of computer programming. 

  • If your computer begins to flash neon colors and warning signs, it’s not about to explode. It could be a malware or virus that resulted from a buffer overflow – a problem that occurs when a program stores data outside the memory the programmer set aside for it. A buffer overflow won’t kill the computer, but it will make it more vulnerable to hackers.

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