  • For the past six years a group of students has returned from winter break early to converge on the otherwise vacant Kirner-Johnson academic building. One group of 28 comes with the hopes of learning how to recognize, develop and practice the kinds of leadership skills that are essential to create personal and societal change. These are students participating in the Levitt Leadership Institute (LLI).

  • At this time of year In Central New York, planting season is little more than a fantasy — unless you are Emily Moschowits ’16, founder and executive director of Utica Greens. When the last danger of frost has passed, Moschowits and the community partners she is engaging will be ready to get their hands dirty. Utica Greens is a new nonprofit organization that aims to help provide low-income Utica residents with fresh local produce.

  • Emad Kiyaei, executive director of the American Iranian Council (AIC), will give a lecture, “The 2016 U.S. Elections and what it means for U.S.-Iran Relations,” on Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 7:30 p.m., in the Red Pit, KJ.

  • For many, summer vacation is synonymous with sunny beaches and relaxation.  Genevieve Caffrey ’17 however saw an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of some of the nation’s most vulnerable citizens this summer as an intern at a prominent non-profit child advocacy organization, the Children’s Defense Fund. Her internship was supported by the Levitt Center.

  • A far-reaching economic policy that impacts countless lives can start with something as small as a grain of rice. Linh Do ’18 is spending her summer working on a research project titled, “Vietnam’s Economy in Transition,” which aims to analyze the effects of the Renovation Policy on Vietnamese rice production. Her project, undertaken with economics professor Erol Balkan, is supported by a Levitt Center Summer Research grant.

  • Kateri Boucher ’17 has taken away two things from her internship this summer. One is that urban farms are more than just producers of foods, they’re an integral part of many communities.   And two, it’s possible to combine several interests in one pursuit. Boucher is conducting a Levitt Center-funded summer research project on that topic with advisor Associate Professor of Philosophy Katheryn Doran.

  • Gabriela Foster ’18 is engaged in a research project that goes beyond mere academics this summer. Foster, who is researching the different political and environmental interest groups that are impacting policy on Higgins Lake in Roscommon, Michigan, has been visiting the lake for her entire life. Her research is being conducted with Associate Professor of Government Peter Cannavo and is sponsored by the Arthur Levitt Public Affairs Center.

  • Case Tatro ’18 is delving into the workings of  higher education administration in a Levitt Center-sponsored research project titled “The Impact of a College’s Board of Trustees on Student and Faculty Diversity.” His summer research aims to elucidate the decision making exchange between a college’s Board of Trustees and its administrators, and specifically how that affects diversity on campuses.

  • Titled “Russian elites are more expansionist, militaristic, and anti-American than at any point since 1993,” an analysis published in the Washington Post’s blog, The Monkey Cage, by Associate Professor of Government Sharon Werning Rivera affirms the article’s title.  The July 22 piece was written by Rivera with students in her Levitt Research Group – James Bryan ’16, Emma Raynor ’18, and Hunter Sobczak ’17.

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