  • Jonathan Skinner, professor of economics at Dartmouth College, will present a lecture titled “What You Need to Know about Health Care Reform” on Thursday, Feb. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the Hamilton College Chapel. His talk is part of the Arthur Levitt Public Affairs Center series “Crisis: Danger and Opportunity.” All lectures are free and open to the public.

  • Co-Chair of the Center for Law and Counter Terrorism and former Federal Prosecutor Andrew McCarthy presented a lecture on a “New Framework for National Security” on Jan. 26 in the Fillius Events Barn. McCarthy gave the first talk of the semester in the Levitt Center Speaker Series.

  • Andrew C. McCarthy, co-chair of the Center for Law and Counterterrorism, will discuss "A New Legal Framework For National Security" on Tuesday, Jan. 26, at 7:30 p.m., in the Fillius Events Barn at Hamilton. The lecture is part of The Arthur Levitt Public Affairs Center 2009-10 series, “Crisis: Danger and Opportunity,” and is free and open to the public.

  • This past fall semester, seven Hamilton students participated in the Government 202 quarter-credit service learning course titled “Immigrants and Refugees in the U.S.” taught by former Levitt Center Associate Director for Community Research Judith Owens-Manley. The course met once a week to discuss refugee resettlement experiences, policies and procedures, especially those specifically related to local Utica’s large refugee population.

  • The Hamilton community’s sensitivity to its impact on the environment is reflected in several awards recently granted to the College by two national organizations. The College has been awarded LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold certification, established by the U.S. Green Building Council and verified by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI), for the renovated 40-year-old Kirner-Johnson (KJ) Building.

  • AmeriCorps VISTA worker Jordan Davis along with Hamilton College Bonner Leaders Liam Ronan, Yoko O'Hara, Caroline Pantazis, Laura Gilson and Isabelle Van Hook made holiday cookies in Milbank for the Holiday Project. Bonner Leaders made 30 dozen cookies to be added to food boxes for families in the area during the holidays. Jordan Davis works as the Bonner Leader coordinator and outreach coordinator for a youth development project in the Levitt Center.

  • Hamilton hosted a Community-based Research (CBR) program on Friday, Nov. 6, arranged by New York Campus Compact, at which four CBR models currently in use as part of Hamilton courses were presented. Faculty members from Colgate and SUNY/IT as well Hamilton faculty and two Levitt Vista workers attended this roundtable which included discussions of best practices for student learning and community outcomes.

  • Pakistani novelists Kamila Shamsie '94 and Tariq Ali participated in a panel on “Art, History, and Politics of the Novel” on Nov. 12. The lecture was part of The Arthur Levitt Public Affairs Center 2009-10 series “Crisis: Danger and Opportunity,” and was moderated by Hamilton’s Assistant Professor of English Tina Hall.

  • Almost as if posing the question directly to the members of the audience, historian and author Tariq Ali began his lecture on the Iraq War by asking: “So how many more troops to send?” After a moment of silence, his quick answer was a firm and resounding “none.” He remembered how, during the Vietnam War, famed General William Westmoreland once mistakenly stated that “all we need is more troops and we’re going to win the war.” And in many ways, the Vietnam and Iraq Wars have run parallel: because while the United States’ sheer military power certainly cannot be matched, “no one can win.”

  • Tariq Ali, a Pakistani historian, novelist, filmmaker and commentator, will present a lecture titled “Obama’s War,” on Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel at Hamilton College. His talk is part of the Arthur Levitt Public Affairs Center 2009-10 series “Crisis: Danger and Opportunity.” All lectures are free and open to the public.

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