  • Assistant Professor of Biology Andrea Townsend and her colleagues sampled the blood cholesterol levels of 140 crow nestlings along an urban-to-rural gradient in California, returning to track their survival rates after they fledged. They found that the more urban the environment, the higher the blood cholesterol of the crow nestlings raised there.

  • The Washington Post published "The A$AP Rocky case shows why we should be inspired and troubled by Sweden’s justice system," an essay by Professor of Literature and Creative Writing Doran Larson.

  • Associate Professor of Religious Studies Quincy Newell was interviewed by the Religion News Service about her new book Your Sister in the Gospel - The Life of Jane Manning James, a Nineteenth-Century Black Mormon.

  • “America’s Smallest Falcon is Getting Smaller,” an article appearing in the spring issue of Living Bird Magazine, references a paper co-authored by Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology Christopher Briggs.

  • Why do birds typically live longer than mammals? A new paper offers a hint, albeit not a conclusive answer. Assistant Professors of Biology Cynthia Downs and Ana Jimenez at Hamilton College and Colgate University respectively have co-authored a paper with nine students, “Does cellular metabolism from primary fibroblasts and oxidative stress in blood differ between mammals and birds? The (lack-thereof) scaling of oxidative stress” in press with Integrative and Comparative Biology.

  • Assistant Professor of Anthropology Colin Quinn was recently awarded a Franklin Research Grant from the American Philosophical Society. The grant provides funding for his summer research project.

  • Assistant Professor of History Celeste Day Moore recently received a summer stipend from the National Endowment for the Humanities for a project about the rise of African-American music as a sign of power and protest after World War II.

  • Four Hamilton researchers were among the presenters at the American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting that recently took place in Boston.

  • Assistant Professor of Anthropology Colin Quinn and Associate Dean of Faculty and Associate Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale are co-authors of an article published in the current issue of the European Journal of Archaeology.

  • Assistant Professor of Biology Cynthia Downs is the lead author of a recently published paper in Trends in Parasitology titled “Scaling of Host Competence.”


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