  • Critical thinking requires the freedom to take ideas wherever they lead, as well as a willingness to consider opposing viewpoints and re-examine one’s own assumptions,” writes President David Wippman, co-author of “How Colleges Can Counter ‘Cancel Culture’” in Inside Higher Ed.

  • “Presenting the past or the present only and always in a favorable light does an enormous disservice to students, teachers and the truth,” writes President David Wippman, co-author of “When books are banned, 'education is impoverished, and everyone loses'" in The Hechinger Report.

  • Hamilton College President David Wippman and Glenn Altschuler, the Thomas and Dorothy Litwin Professor of American Studies at Cornell University, address the challenge of balancing safety with a normal college experience in an op-ed published in Inside Higher Education on Aug. 19.

  • Growing efforts to curtail free speech and academic freedom endanger the ability to cultivate the informed citizenry on which our democracy depends, write President David Wippman and Cornell Professor Glenn Altschuler in an Inside Higher Ed essay.

  • Reflecting on the most recent analysis by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, that revealed that less than a quarter of U.S. high school seniors demonstrate proficiency in civics, and just 12 percent of them meet that standard for U.S. history, President David Wippman and co-author Glenn Altschuler penned an essay for The Hill published on May 2.

  • The Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU) elected Hamilton College President David Wippman as one of nine new members to its board of trustees at the commission’s 65th annual meeting on March 2.

  • In an essay titled “Proposed changes to Title IX will not solve the problem of sexual assaults on college campuses,” co-authors President David Wippman and Professor of American Studies Glenn C. Altschuler critique Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ Title IX draft regulations.

  • In “Trump's executive order raises important questions about Jewish identity and free speech,” co-authors President David Wippman and Professor of American Studies Glenn C. Altschuler question whether President Trump’s Dec. 11 Executive Order Combating Anti-Semitism adds to the protections already available for Jews under Title VI and conclude that it “may well do more harm than good.”

  • “Betsy DeVos is giving defrauded student debtors the back of her hand,” an essay co-written by President David Wippman and Professor of American Studies Glenn Altschuler in The Hill, highlighted how difficult Secretary of Education DeVos has made it for these students to seek debt relief.

  • In an opinion piece about the NCAA’s intention to permit compensation for college athletes, President Wippman posed nine questions that must be considered in designing “a comprehensive, coherent, and equitable solution to the crisis of intercollegiate athletics.”


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