  • Forty-four members of the Class of 2023 and 10 transfer students arrived on a cold but sunny campus on Jan. 17 to officially begin their Hamilton experience and take part in new student orientation. The College offers January admission to roughly 45 students each year to fill vacancies created by students on leave and studying abroad.

  • As a group of first-year students, known affectionately as the “Jans,” experience their first week on campus with the rest of the school, Jan alums offer some advice. No matter what their class year, they all agree that branching out and preparing for the weather are a must.

  • From “Jam Camp” in Clinton to kayaking in the Adirondacks, Hamilton’s 61 orientation adventure trips helped ease members of the Class of ’23 into life at Hamilton. The five-day trips gave Hamilton’s newest students an opportunity to get to know their classmates and explore the area.

  • Hamilton College welcomes the 513 members of its Class of 2023 on Tuesday, Aug. 20, for nine days of Orientation.

  • New student orientation begins this week, and more than 100 student trip leaders are ready to welcome the newest Hamiltonians. The upcoming week of introductions and new experiences will lay the foundation for the first-year students’ Hamilton career as they embark on Adirondack Adventure, Exploration Adventure, and Outreach Adventure trips.

  • Five hundred plus new students adventuring on 61 overnight trips, overseen by 122 trained student leaders. How’s that for a logistical challenge?

  • Forty-five members of the class of ’22 and eight transfer students beat the forecasted winter storm and arrived on the Hill on Jan. 18 to register, move in, and take part in Hamilton orientation. The College offers January admission to about 30-40 students per year to fill vacancies created by students on leave and studying abroad.

  • After a day on campus all members of the Class of ’22 participated in Orientation adventure trips, Aug. 15 through 19. They hiked and kayaked in the Adirondacks, volunteered at local libraries and homeless shelters, and delved into such topics as American Freedom, community farming, and music improv.

  • It was a soggy and humid day but members of the Class of 2022 were greeted with cheers, smiles, and enthusiasm as they arrived for orientation on Aug. 14.

  • It’s that time of year again. Cars with license plates from states across the country roam the campus searching for parking spots, and students who graduated from high school only a few months ago are rolling up with all their luggage. A class of 485 first-year students are ready to take the first step into their college experience: orientation.

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