  • Associate Professor of English Steven Yao published an essay, "Translation," in the volume Ezra Pound in Context, published by Cambridge University Press and edited by Ira B. Nadel. In this essay Yao traces the importance of translation as a mode of literary production within Pound's individual career, as well as within Anglo-American modernism more generally.

  • Associate Professor of English Steven Yao's book, Foreign Accents: Chinese American Verse from Exclusion to Postethnicity, has been published by Oxford University Press.

  • Associate Professor of English and Associate Dean of Faculty for Diversity Initiatives Steve Yao presented a paper at the American Comparative Literature Association held in New Orleans from April 1-4.

  • The new Humanities Lecture Series will debut with a presentation on Wednesday, Jan. 28, at 4:10 p.m. in Dwight Lounge, Bristol Campus Center. Steve Yao, associate dean of faculty for diversity initiatives and associate professor of English, and student respondent Geoffrey Hicks '09, will discuss "The Poetry of Chinese Detainees on Angel Island: Reflections on Minority Literature and the Liberal Arts."

  • Associate Dean of Faculty for Diversity Initiatives and Associate Professor of English Steve Yao has been elected to the Delegate Assembly of the Modern Language Association, the largest professional organization focusing on the study and teaching of the humanities and the status of the language and literature in the U.S.

  • Associate Professor of English Steven Yao spoke recently at Cambridge and Sussex Universities in England. At Cambridge, Yao presented a paper titled, "Ezra Pound's Cathay and the Languages of Anglo-American Modernism," as part of the international conference on Translations and Transformations: China, Modernity, and Cultural Transmission that was hosted there on May 1-3. While in the UK, Yao also gave an invited lecture at Sussex University in Brighton, where he spoke to the American Studies research seminar on "Asian American Verse and the Limits of Hybridity," a talk arising from his current book project of Chinese American poetry.

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