  • Hamilton is a member of the American Talent Initiative (ATI), a national alliance of leading colleges and universities that released a new report this week showing it is on track to enroll 50,000 more lower-income students by 2025.

  • From questioning whether a coup should ever be labeled “good” to protesting recent immigration policies, opinions expressed by faculty appeared in major national publications via essays and letters to the editor throughout the year.

  • U.S. News & World Report interviewed Vice President for Enrollment Management Monica Inzer for a June 13 article, What to Know About the SAT Environmental Context Dashboard.

  • U.S News & World Report interviewed Vice President for Enrollment Management Monica Inzer for “tips, some introspection, and insight into what admissions officers are looking for can help ease the pressure” in an April 24 article.

  • The receipt of 8,338 applications, roughly one-third more than last year’s record total of 6,240, provided both an exhilarating and challenging start to the year for the Hamilton admission team.

  • In a continuing pursuit to clarifying the cost of college to the greatest degree possible, Hamilton is implementing MyinTuition, an online tool that quickly and easily provides accurate college cost estimates.

  • A revamped SAT, a new college-application platform, financial aid, endowment spending and issues related to recruitment and retention were among the topics addressed during a recent media roundtable attended by Vice President of Admission and Financial Aid Monica Inzer.  One of the immediate results of the session was an article that appeared on Aug. 3 on The Atlantic site titled “The Pitfalls of Free Tuition” in which Inzer was quoted extensively.

  • Several national and regional media outlets included interviews with Hamilton experts in the last few weeks on topics ranging from the decision to keep Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill to new strategies for engaging younger donors. Inside Higher Ed, The Washington Post, NBC News, Roll Call, and WAMC were among the outlets that featured Hamilton.

  • Hamilton’s need-blind admission policy is the focus of a Dec. 18 feature story published by Huffington Post titled “How One Top College Ended a Policy that Weeded Out Poor Students.” The article detailed how Hamilton made the decision to eliminate merit scholarships and later to adopt the need-blind policy that eliminates applicants' financial need from consideration in admission decisions.

  • On Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 at 2 p.m., Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Monica Inzer will join Georgia Institute of Technology Director of Undergraduate Admission Rick Clark and former editor and current editor to The Chronicle of Higher Education Jeff Selingo in a webinar sponsored by the Chronicle titled Navigating the New Admissions Landscape. Those interested in the seminar may register here.

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