  • There is perhaps no greater evidence of the transformative power of education than the moment when a recent college graduate moves from the pupil’s desk to the front of the classroom. These newly minted teachers are the front lines in the battle to provide education for every American child, regardless of geographic location or family income.  Foxfire Buck '12 is one such new teacher.

  • Ashlyn Razzo ’11 loves working with children. A recent Hamilton graduate, Razzo knew that she wanted to spend her future working with underprivileged youth, giving back to the kind of community in which she grew up. Razzo will be serving as a 2011 corps member in Miami for Teach For America (TFA), the non-profit organization dedicated to ending educational inequality in the United States.

  • Megan Brousseau '08 recently received Teach for America's Sue Lehmann award for excellence in teaching high school science. Brousseau teaches 9th grade biology at the Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics in New York City.


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