2023 in Review: National Media Coverage

Groundbreaking scholarly research and innovative creative endeavors by Hamilton’s faculty and staff not only advance knowledge in their fields, but can often also help broader audiences further understand the world’s most pressing issues. When media outlets feature faculty discoveries and accomplishments, it helps strengthen Hamilton’s reputation as one of the top liberal arts colleges in the country.
articles featured Hamilton1,400+
broadcasts featured Hamilton40+
faculty experts and 20+ academic departments were highlightedResearch & Expertise
Both new and ongoing research happening on the Hill perennially attracts journalists to Hamilton faculty from a broad swath of disciplines.

Professor of Economics Ann Owen, a former Federal Reserve Board of Governors economist, contributed multiple times this year to American Public Media’s Marketplace program. In this segment she discussed how the Fed was at a turning point, deciding when to stop pushing up interest rates and how long to keep them elevated.

Associate Professor of Government David Rivera commented on the war in Ukraine in several Newsweek stories. Here he discussed deceased Russian mercenary leader Prigozhin’s outspoken views on the war with Ukraine. “Prigozhin’s lengthy video justifying his ‘march for justice’ expressed many truths about the war that Putin would not want the public to hear,” Rivera said.

Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley discussed the music of singer-songwriter Dolly Parton throughout this documentary.

Associate Professor of Government Erica De Bruin, author of How to Prevent Coups d’état, discussed the recent process used to achieve government takeovers. “Seize power, hang onto it long enough to hold elections, use electoral manipulation and other resources of leadership to win them, and then relax as sanctions on your no-longer-coup-installed regime are lifted.”

This podcast referenced Professor of Economics Stephen Wu’s research in which he revealed that difficulty in pronouncing an applicant’s name negatively affects job placement opportunities.

Assistant Professor of Sociology Mahala Stewart commented on the shifting demographics in home-schooling. “As integration brought White and Black students together, there was a White flight happening, as parents removed kids from those schools in order to home-school,” she said.

Leading by Example
Major media outlets and higher education journalists highlighted innovative campus programs that are tackling issues and bringing people together.

President Wippman
President Wippman co-wrote more than a dozen op-eds and letters to the editor that were published by major publications including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Hill. One of those essays detailed the history of civics education in the United States and the need for an increased focus on it. “We have a civics education crisis — and deep divisions on how to solve it” – Washington Post, May 31
Students in the News
Student endeavors and research also attracted media attention.

Will Whalen ’23 created a chess avatar, Mittens, for Chess.com, a popular chess platform for which he worked while attending the College. In Mittens’ introductory month, Chess.com averaged 27.5 million games played per day and was on track for more than 850 million games that month—40% more than any month in the company’s history.

Hadley Noonan ’25 wrote an op-ed that appeared in many newspapers across the country. Her essay was based on summer research she conducted as part of a Levitt grant investigating book banning.

“This amazing group of women became my surrogate mothers on campus.
Read Essay

Media Coverage
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See more examples of media coverage from 2023.

Hamilton News Highlights – Second Quarter
Articles include expert commentary on wars in Ukraine and Sudan, opinions on civic education, and an explanation of how the concept of race evolved in the Renaissance, among others.

Hamilton in the News - First Quarter
Highlights include several essays co-authored by President Wippman, expert commentary on a variety of topics from the Federal Reserve to butterflies, and feature stories on counseling center, career center, and Levitt Center programs.