
As the weather continues to warm, I've slowly begun to abandon my complete immobility in favor of exploring what the city has to offer. The highlight of my week came in the form of a delectable culinary experience in the Lower East Side.

Already emboldened by my successful experimentation with "bialys" (a sort of super doughy, hole-less bagel introduced to us by our Tenement Museum tour guide), I took my roommate up on his offer to seek out a local eatery known as the Dumpling House. Although I was quite sure I didn't like dumplings, my roommate made the place out to be some sort of holy Mecca of cheap dumplings, appearing once every 1,000 years for three hours during the Year of the Monkey. I was in no position to refuse.

When we arrived, the place was standing room only, reminiscent of the Soup Nazi scene from Seinfeld. The rumors and hearsay turned out to be true, as I was able to purchase five pork fried dumplings for a mere dollar. Even better, I enjoyed eating them, so long as I did look at the mysterious meat product inside the dumpling. More and more, I'm figuring out that discovering hidden gems like the Dumpling House is what this city is all about.

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