The Hamilton Annual Fund again exceeded its fiscal year-end goal, reaching a total of $7.156 million to support College priorities that included student financial aid, digital learning and the academic program, career exploration, athletics, and extracurricular activities. These contributions have an enormous impact on the student experience at Hamilton.
John Hadity ’83, who served as Hamilton Fund vice chair this past year and became chair on July 1, offered his perspective on the fund in a video. “When you make a gift to the Hamilton Fund, no matter the amount, it becomes a part of something very big … [the Hamilton Fund] touches every aspect of teaching and learning on College Hill … The Hamilton Fund is how we meet our greatest needs how we grow and improve as the year unfolds.”
Alumni, parents, and friends have established a culture of philanthropy through their loyal and generous support of students and faculty.
The Class of 1984, celebrating its 35th reunion and the perennial top dollar producer, retained its laurels by delivering $521,360 to the Hamilton Fund. In all, 20 classes raised more than $100,000 apiece, among them five other classes – 1964, 1969, 1979, 1989, 1994 – celebrating reunions. The most recent class to cross the $100,000 mark was 1996. “While loyalty to the College first and foremost drives these results," said Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations Fred Rogers P’22, “it’s the extra efforts of our volunteers, particularly in reunion years that ensure our success year after year.”
The GOLD group – the 10 most recently graduated classes – collectively raised $140,822. The Class of 2012 led the way with an impressive $31,712 – a result that augurs well for its future performance.
“The loyalty and generosity of alumni, parents, and friends who support the Hamilton Fund set the College apart,” said Vice President for Advancement Lori Dennison '87, P'16. “We celebrate that support each year as we watch our new graduates leave College Hill ready to take on new challenges and opportunities. Their Hamilton experiences are shaped by the generations of alumni who preceded them on campus, and we are deeply grateful for the tradition of giving that runs throughout the Hamilton community, both on and off the Hill.”
James E. Hacker ’81, P’19,’20 chaired the Hamilton Fund. On July 1, Hadity, as chair of the 2019-20 fund, welcomed new Vice Chair Lindsey Pizzica Rotolo ’97. Supporting them is Aron Ain ’79, P’09,’11 as chair of the Trustee Committee on Advancement.