Audrey Nadler ’18 is eager to return to Spain after graduation as the recipient of a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA). She spent her junior year abroad in Madrid with Hamilton's Academic Year in Spain program. She is a world politics and Hispanic studies major.
“Throughout the year I worked to integrate myself into the Spanish society, whether that was through joining an orchestra, taking classes alongside local students, or through internship opportunities,” said Nadler. “I’m thrilled to pick up where I left off in Madrid while also having these new experiences teaching and continuing to immerse myself in the Spanish culture. Being in Spain combines my interests in Hispanic studies and world politics – I can strive for fluency in Spanish while also gaining different perspectives on European politics.”
The Spain ETA is distinct in a number of ways. In addition to teaching English language - the ETA teaches, in English, subjects including social sciences, science and technology, art, and may hold English conversation classes with school staff. For the first five to six months of the grant, the ETA also prepares students for the Global Classrooms (Model UN) project and also participates in the proceedings.
Majors: World politics and Hispanic studies
Hometown: Scarsdale, N.Y.
High School: Scarsdale High School
Campus activities: Co-founder of On the Move; Hispanic Studies teaching assistant; Hamilton College Orchestra
While studying in Spain, Nadler played viola in Madrid’s Universidad Complutense Orchestra, and served as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees intern there.
At Hamilton she is a Hispanic Studies Department teaching assistant; is co-founder of student organization On the Move; was a research assistant for Global Partnerships; and served as an Orientation Exploration Adventure leader. She participated in the Levitt Leadership Institute in 2016, and was a Project SHINE English tutor. Nadler is also part of the figure skating team and the marathon canoe team.
The Fulbright ETA Program places U.S. students as English teaching assistants in schools or universities overseas, thus improving foreign students’ English language abilities and knowledge of the United States while increasing their own language skills and knowledge of the host country. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright is the largest U.S. international exchange program.