Einhorn Yaffee Prescott, Architecture & Engineering, P.C. (EYP), has been commissioned to design a 180,000-square foot (sf) unified science facility for Hamilton College, Clinton, NY.

Spurred by the desire for increased interdisciplinary study, the new facility at Hamilton will serve to bring together five departments currently located in three separate buildings. An existing building dating to 1925 and renovated in 1960 to total 78,000 sf will be renovated, while an addition of approximately 100,000 sf will be designed to foster the interaction and diversity between disciplines.

The facilities will reflect new teaching paradigms in the sciences at Hamilton, especially the college's emphasis on hands-on, research-based scientific inquiry beginning in a student's first year on campus. Hamilton is one of the few colleges in the nation that requires independent scientific research from each of its science concentrators prior to graduation, so the new facility will nee

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