A team of Hamilton students won the programming competition at the 21st annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges - Northeastern Region, held at Hamilton on April 29 -30. Linnea Sahlberg ’17, Ryan Woo ’17 and Alex Dennis ’18 were the winners from among 39 teams.
Hamilton’s Computer Science Department hosted the consortium at which 71 colleges were represented. The event drew some 250 attendees and was chaired by Hamilton Professor of Computer Science Mark Bailey.
Students, computer science faculty and representatives of the National Science Foundation took part in workshops, presented posters and papers. Thirty-nine student teams from 31 colleges competed in the programming competition. Hamilton took first place, with Clark University (A team) second, and MassBay Community College third.
In the programming contest each team was given eight problems to solve and the team that solved the most problems wins. In the event of a tie, the amount of time taken to solve problems is used as a tiebreaker. The programming contest was chaired by Del Hart, SUNY Plattsburgh; Tony Sena, MassBay Community College; and Susanne Steiger-Escobar, MassBay Community College.
A mini career fair, run by a team of students under Maggie Coleman ’16 took place in Sage Rink. Hamilton’s 50 declared computer science concentrators plus students visiting from other institutions met with prospective employers that included SRC, Inc., Booz Allen Hamilton, Harris Corporation, Utica National Insurance, Black River Systems Co., IBM and AmericCU Credit Union, among others.
Cornell University professor Fred B. Schneider gave a keynote presentation titled “Doctrines and Laws for Cybersecurity” and Brown University professor Shriram Krishnamurthi presented a keynote on “PS-PD-PR: Problem Solving, Program Design, and Peer Review.”