Dr. Pia Boben Fenimore ’92 of Lancaster Pediatric Associates wrote an op-ed for local Pennsylvania news site, LancasterOnline. Fenimore’s opinion piece discusses her connection as a pediatrician to the American school shooting epidemic.
Fenimore answers questions about children’s health for the LNP column “Ask a Pediatrician.” Following the Parkland School Shooting, Fenimore’s article makes pleas and suggestions to community members, Sens. Bob Casey and Pat Toomey, Congressman Lloyd Smucker, and members of the National Rifle Association.
Major: International Comparative Politics
Family: Father, William Boben ’60 and Brother, William Boben ’85
Fenimore wrote: “I would not be true to my profession if I remained silent about school shootings” as someone who has “dedicated their time, expertise and talent to protecting the lives of our children.” She wrote that America is not unique in the right to bear firearms, but what makes it stand out is the national reaction to gun-related tragedies.
In response to the school shooting “disease,” Fenimore calls to move the American Academy of Pediatrics, other medical organizations, and the country into epidemic mode.